
Wednesday, June 10, 2015


As some of you know--Sunny came to town for a couple days--
with her DH this time--so she did not stay here--
But yesterday-Tuesday -he dropped her off here--
and we chatted all day--
and as it had rained hard all during the night--
as I waited for her arrival --
I did some photos of the rain drops on the flowers--
Then at 4pm we went to the quilt shop and looked and bought--
and then all 3 of us went out to dinner--

Today--Wednesday the 3 of us went on a photo journey--
and went to 3 towns north of here at the end of some of the other Finger Lakes that I had not been too--
and we took photos--lots and lots of photos--
I took 526 of them and only deleted about 30 so far--
9as they were taken from the car window-sooo--)

we stopped at a Farmer's mkt in Seneca Falls--
Then went on to Alburn, NY
and then on to Skaneateles, NY
And we had lunch here--
Which is really Doug's Fish Fry--
and that is what we had--
they had a pretty fish tank--
one very long wall had a huge mural painted on it--
and train tracks running along the ceiling--with running trains!!!
after lunch we went on a big walk and photo shoot--
Main street was full of small great little shops in old buildings--
and all their back doors was on the edge of the lake-
and then we did go check out the park at the end of the lake--
and of course we had to stop at one Quilt shop--even though it was a couple miles out of our way--
So it was a big day--
a fun day--
a memory making kind of day--


sunny said...

Wow - you did take a lot of photos. Great job! I had a really fun day, and hope we get to do it again someday.

Maria said...

Oh what a wonderful fun filled day with Sunny and her DH.. definitely great memory building.

Linda in Arkansas said...

526 photos! You are good! It's fun to read your blog and Sunny's about the same trip. I love your photos including the one of the lake through the corridor. I just felt like was walking around with you.

Sinta Renee said...

I love little adventures like this! How fun you got to spend it with Mr & Mrs Sunny! Looks like a sweet little place to visit... I am sure we will be seeing more photos soon?!?