
Wednesday, February 7, 2018


work done today--
got my next goal finished for OMG--
with my hand quilting--
and then got it all finished--
the blue snowmen quilt is all done--
So now when I pack away the snowmen stuff in a couple days--
he can get packed with this his friends--
I have '2' of my 6 projects for the month finished--!!!

And I got the next mystery step done on this one--
Talk about simple--
and Di and can simply mess things up!!!!
all I needed was 4- 2 1/2" squares and 4 2 1/2" x 8 1/2" strips--
and then sew it all together--
the first longer border piece I wanted to use and started to cut was not a wide enough strip--darn!!
then I picked this piece and had just enough to make the 4 sides--
and then I sewed them together--but--
the block came out toooo small--so--
I frogged and frogged and restitched it--
finally got it to be a good 12 1/2" square--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what did you stitch today????
Enjoy, di


sunny said...

No sewing for me today! I would think your snowmen might be melting if you're not careful.

Cheryll said...

Love the snowmen...cute...
And I'm pleased you persevered & managed to get the correct measurements...xox

Linda in Arkansas said...

That happens sometimes - we just cut or sew wrong. Glad you got it together. And good job on getting two out of six finished. You are rocking it!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

The snowmen are sweet and I bet it's nice to have them finished. I have had those days. Sometimes I push through but usually I just set it aside to try another day.

andsewon said...

Sweet snowman quilt! good job on the finishes!

Alice said...

Life without seam rippers would be bad!!! Glad you got it sorted out and back together. I need to stitch up a snowman or two. It is 73 outside and there is no chance of building one anytime soon.