
Sunday, October 13, 2024


 That was me this morning--

I needed to repot some plants--so did lots of reading and then ordering two weeks ago for some new supplies--like--Coco peat moss--Perlite--Vermiculite--charcoal bits--new pots--and a special pair of garden scissors  --(forgot gloves!!!!) But then the hurricanes came and all attention was on that--I was 'bad' and watched too many u-tube and tic tac videos of NC hurricane damage and then we had another one here for most of the state of Florida--(but still really not bad compared to what Helene did in those states above us!)

So today was the day to 'play' in my dirt--I got these Coco disks--they are so cute and small--but expand really well with alittle water--the water is the hard part--each little disc only needs about 1/3 cup or less of water--but I also discovered I needed a bit of potting soil and luckily I had some in the storage unit--so added that to the mix with everything else--except the charcoal--I am going to put some of charcoal on the top of soil when the plants are all done--and unfortunately I am not done--but need some actual potting soil--good thing the plan is to go to Walmart in the morning--so the mess is half cleaned up---!!!!

Oh--you say this is a Quilt blog--not a garden one--

Well--have no fear--some stitching did get done too--

I actually did do some sewing machine work yesterday morning-and I finished up '3' cross stitch projects into finishes--

I got this one finished on Friday--and --yes--this is a design of Melisa's and yes I did change it a bit--I filled in each pumpkin with just orange and did not do the quilt block design in each one--yes--a bit lazy maybe--but then I am not a fan of quilt block designs on things--with barns being the exception!

and this is the fabric on the back of it--

I got the Sunflower one of Melisa's--

and I had gotten this crow fabric recently and thought is was perfect for the back--

And finished the Hello Fall one that Melisa showed us on her blog--

and decided this fabric was a good fit for this one with the leaves and acorns!!

And I got the second embroidery block done that I purchased from Kathy S. online--

This did not get pressed before I had to take it's photo???  Have started the 3rd one for this series!

And I have worked on the embroidery for this months heart block from Melisa's blog--but again forgot to take a photo--next week--ok???

Kitty's and pumpkins--

And I fell in love with this print at JoAnn's this week and it will go on the backing of the Mr. Jack quilt I did 2 weeks ago--but this will go in the bag with the top and be put in 'time out' til next year sometime--there is no way I can get it finished for this year!!

I did get a small start on this one-by Melisa--with hopes I can get it finished by Thanksgiving--cause --

I have also started this one--

I do have more done on this one since I took this photo--(again on this one--I am not doing the quilt design that is on the pumpkin--I am up to the mouse on the pumpkin--

I got another in this series months ago--it is a winter scene--and this  a couple weeks ago, I found a Christmas one I wanted to do--and a summer one--and this one--so guess I am doing a 'series' thing again--(oh and I found a spring one to do--but not ordered it yet???) Now--here is the punch line--if you remember I chose to use and have the whole line of Cosmo's embroidery threads--but these call for DMC--so--I broke down and ordered the DMC threads they used--(too lazy to match up Cosmos' threads!!) then discovered I didnot care for the color grey they used on the mouse or the colors they used on the big crow--so ordered different colors for them--I know--I know--I am a bit pickycrazy--but----???????

Oh and I did get a baby sweater knitted--

And 'no' one arm is not longer that the other one--it's just the way I folded it for the photo!!!!


Life Update:  Hurricanes--tornados' --rain--!!! I did have a small leak problem in the living room--ceiling got wet--and the plaster dripped down on my table with the TV and the electronics on it---Had to go get a neighbor to help me move the stand out away from the wall--was able to move it back yesterday--after cleaning everything up!!

 Big part of my life, and as well as many others the last 2 weeks so it had been hard to concentrate on stitching and moving--!!  I did get a couple drawers cleaned and sorted out for the move the one day we had no Internet or Cable--and a couple other small jobs done--so that was good--

And I have a list of the quilt projects I want to get tops done for this week and hopefully a couple more hand basted next week--cause I will not be putting up the big 6 ft table in the next apartment for a few months--hope I can get it into the storage unit--but????

And yes--still problems with the neighbor--I don't even have to look at the clock anymore--can pretty much tell the time by the 'oder' in my apartment--I sure do pray that I don't have neighbors around me in the new location who smoke --ect!!



Friday, October 11, 2024


 I am fine no damage right here but no internet or cable yet 

Hugs di

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Hurricane Milton is getting closer and closer to Florida--

the track has moved a bit more South--

Which is not good news for where I am here on the East Coast in Brevard County--

I am mid point or a bit south of mid point of the county--

we may get the eye--

Only time--will tell how bad this one is and how much damage across the state it does--

I am staying  here in the Senior building with alot of other residents--this is suppose to be hurricane proof--they have put up storm shutters on all the big windows in the downstairs lobby area--and I learned at lunch time that '2' kitchen staff people will be staying here over night--so they provide some kind of lunch for us tomorrow--so that was a surprise!!

They did shut off our garbage shoots as the dumpster is full and even though they  were suppose to empty it today--they are not going to come and do that--so we will have to keep our garbage in our apartments until at least Friday!!!  I am in good shape that way--took mine out late afternoon yesterday--yea for me!!!

I do have to move all my plants from around the window and on the window sill and see if my window blinds will come down--I have not had them down for 4 1/2 years--no body can see into my apartment and I love watching the clouds and birds fly by!!!

The main thing is--I am all stocked up on dark Chocolate--!!!!!

Hopefully I will talk to you soon--

Take care--hugs and blessings, di

Sunday, October 6, 2024


 This week with hurricane Milton headed this way--to us--on Wednesday!!!!  It is gonna hit the west coast first then travel across the state--but remember this state is only--is only-- 361 miles across at the top of Florida--but from Tampa straight across to us--is only 113 miles--(but to get here by car it is 134 miles cause you have to go south--then back down north--crazy highway!!!  So we will be getting alot of Milton by the looks of things--they are saying a Cat. 3 for sure--hummmm!!!!   So hold on to your 'hats' and tie everything down---

Let me talk about quilting and stitching first--It is the only thing that is keeping me grounded these days--

My newest morning Cross stitching is coming along--

The pumpkin I am stitching on now--it has one very large pumpkin!!!!

I did get October's Woven Wreath all stitched--

I just can't believe there is only '2' more of these squares to embroider--just Nov and Dec--!!!

And yesterday I got the 4th and final 'truck' embroidery done--

I need to get out the other '3' and decide on how to stitch them all together??

I did get some blocks all put together this week--Last year's Mr Jack series--

Remember I added a couple other black cats to mine--this is already 48" long--and I did not add this block to it--

I am thinking I will use this block for a tote bag????

And I got this  Country quilt all hand quilted and the binding sewn on it--

So now I am hand quilting on the Sunbonnet Sue Christmas one--

it will probably take me till Christmas to get all the hand quilting done on this one--

I also got this pink heart quilt all basted--

So it's in line to be  hand quilted--


For me it was another rough week--

Though I did get a phone call on Monday for a move date for within this building for Nov 6th--I am on the 3rd floor now--but will be moving to the second floor--the work men here will move all my furniture and everything that is boxed up--Soooo--I will be getting me some boxes and try to 'box' up everything for them to move it all!!!  The day before the move this building is getting a big Inspection of some sort--Insurance or something--so all this week and Mon and Tues--the office staff is going door to door and doing some kind of inspection to get us ready--I will probably have mine Monday afternoon--They are taking a long time in each apartment--not sure what they are looking for--maybe 'gold'--hope if they find some --they will share it with me!!!!!

Oh My Oh My---my heart is broken for all the flooded folks in GA<NC<SC<VA>TN---soo soo many lives lost (count on the news is way  way too low???) How can soooo many thousands, millon, people all rebuild or find housing--I know I 'whine' about here--and now I am ashamed of myself for doing that--so I am sorry--I am working on a box of quilts and some kids color books and story books to go to  Carolina's --but not quite yet--especially with our own hurricane headed this way--but thinking about what to send helps me a little bit --feel better--!



Sunday, September 29, 2024


 I don't know what I would do if I did not quilt, cross stitch, embroider, and knit--these so called 'hobbies' truly keep me sane --as least they try to--but some days????

Here mid East Coast of Florida we only got rain on Wednesday--off and on all day--On Thursday when the hurricane was traveling up the gulf side--we only got some wind--around 45 mph-our beaches did get some damage--otherwise it was just a regular day here--but not for the heart--my heart hurt all day knowing people had to leave their homes and belongings and find shelter else where--And then returning to see the damage and clean up each one needs to do--so sad--! One of our bloggers said that this area and coast has never had a direct hit from a hurricane--that is not true--we have had them here before--it's just been awhile--!

I did get some things --in the stitching arena --worked on and a finish or two--

Like the Cross stitch above --did get the stitching finished on this one--but have not got it stitched up yet--!!

And here is the new one I am working on now--

And I was ordering some more thread colors from 123 Stitch and some 28 ct cloth and someone--probably that 'Squirrel" above--put 2 charts in my cart--I hardly ever buy charts anymore--but--we'll see if that 'squirrel' starts and finishes them??????

I did get the Farm Baby quilt all finished--

And I have this quilt on the basting table right now--

I do have this part all basted--just need to pull it down and work on the upper part--

I finished this block of embroidery--

I enjoyed stitching this one--have 2 more Fall ones to do--

but instead of starting one of them--I decided to finish off Jenny's block of the month's that she gave us--

The last row is the last 4 ---these are not in the order I will sew them together--knowing me--I will spend more time rearranging them than it did to stitch them????

And for Knitting--I finished Miss Celebration's--( will be called--Miss C--from now on!!) Fall sweater and got the buttons sewn on--

She is planning on a whole wardrobe of lovely sweaters!!!!

I took this photo last evening--Sept 28th==thought this looked kinda neat??


Update on life in general--

oh my--life can throw curve balls at you all the time--

On Monday I did get the call that the upper office for Poah did approve me moving to another apartment within this building--so is that good news or not????  After last night, during the night when the next door neighbor did his 'smoking'--and I got really sick--I guess it is good news--yet--we have a huge issues here in this building--so I don't know if after all the work of moving will solve anything!!!! Oh and they are saying the end of December--!!!

And on Friday they hung up a sign by the dinning room door that on Tuesdays our washer and dryer fee will go from $1.30 a load to $1.75--What---so I am looking into a little washer that fits in the kitchen sink --I can only do 2 t-shirts at a time--but his washer also spins alot of the water out--where when I wash things by hand--they are wet (I usually have to wrap them in a towel first to get the water out--but then I have a big heavy towel to dry)--soooo---I will still have to do my towels and sheets and small personnel items in a regular washer--but I have a laundry budget and I do not want to go over that and I do have alot of t-shirts--this place is getting enough of money each month for 'food' that I can not eat--grrrrr!!!

Notices have been given to us about other things too--and they are already working us up for another price increase next year on the food from $7 a day--to $9--(sure hope the other place I have my name on the list comes up before that happens--)

And life goes on--and I stitch and enjoy that--and it helps me keep my balance--well--most days!!

See those dark 'spots' on the window screen--those are very large dragon flies--a big group of them came by Friday evening and keep swarming around and around outside my window--plus a pretty sunset!!!




the snow birds are on their way down!!!!


Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Or Fall--however you say it--and I think it is the first day of summer-?-for some of you!!

Now--don't anybody go and faint on me--Cause this year I actually have decorated for Fall on the first day of Fall!!!  (I usually have a bad habit of not getting this job done until well after the first of October--I am not totally done yet--still have the silk fall flowers and leaves to add--!!!

I had a busy week this week--with actual sewing--yep--sewing!!!

My first day was cutting backing and batting for a couple projects--

one was for this one--

and by yesterday at noon--I had this one all basted--ready to hand quilt-when I get the Country one finished hand quilted that I am working on now--am on the last row of the Country one--sooo!

And I got one of baby quilts layered and then stitched on the machine--

Farm animals--anyone need an extra pig or cow or chicken--there is even some sheep on the back of this one--

I did alot of stitching on this one--not just 'in the ditch'---so it took alot of time to do--and thread!!

I had started these with the plan to donate them to our local hospital here in FL--but as I stitched on this one--I am thinking I need to sent some to NY to help Anne with the Seneca Santa program for the 0-2 years old--that I supported when I was a Red Hat Queen and then Anne took over and makes about 40 baby quilts for that group every year--I don't know that she will be able to make that many this year--so???

And here is the new cross stitch I am working on--

I did a grey squirrel--but probably should of done a 'red' one???

And on Monday when I was at JoAnn's for the Farm fabric for the backing on the baby quilt--I seen a remnant on the counter--

And I just had to have this one--it will make a cute baby quilt too!!! If I find it in me to part with it?????????????

Back to decorating--

I got my blue dishes displayed in the cabinet--

I will probably add a bit of fall leaves/flowers here and there in this yet--

and here is more of the regular decorating for Fall--

Oh--forgot here is one's day worth of work--these shelves were in the kitchen--filled up with kitchen stuff--had to find all that a new home--then moved the shelf unit back into the living room--mainly cause my plant collection--some needed more light than where I had them--and I like my holiday displays where I can see them--and so the big round table got moved back to the kitchen--I do like it there-cause now I can bake and have someplace to cool the cookies and such!!

I did add a bit of fall to the table!!!!

As for regular life--good news on the elbow--it was just a 'wart'--and it seems to be healing nicely--though it is still sore at times--and Jessica said she would be back in 6 months to check on it, and me!!!

Other wise no word on if they are gonna move me to a different apartment or not--so life just goes on for me--the neighbor is still doing his 'smoking' but it's not as bad as it was--but he is still doing it in his apartment at times--????

Anne is coming along--slowly--it will take time-they say--she still has to use a walker and wants to go outside and work--but can't cause of the medicine she is on--No sun!!!

The best news I think is--the weather--the humidity is down some--hopefully and hopefully it will stay down!!!!

Well--time to move on--



Sunday, September 15, 2024


It was one of those weeks--where I have to sit and think about--what did I do this past week and where am I headed????

I do know we are still in the month of--

So I guess that is a 'start'--and today makes half way through the month of Sept--so I haven't totally 'lost' it--yet!!!!

I did get this month's embroidery block by Jenny finished--

Had fun stitching these--

And the new bear got her Fall sweater knitted--
But now she needs a name--she will have seasonal sweaters to wear--I have her red one for Christmas started--unless I use it for Valentines as it is all red and knit her something more Christmasy for the Christmas sweater---
So any good ideas for her name????

And I did get this months heart block embroidered by

And if you notice---I did the dash lines around the outside of the heart--as Melisa does on her's!
In the beginning of the year--I was thinking I would cut around the heart and then applique it to a different fabric--so did not do the dash lines--but I did see someones blocks and really liked the dash line--sooo--I can still cut around them if I want--only time will tell--
so I kept going with these once this one was finished--

And did the dash lines around them all--even the extra one she gave us--the watering can--may have perfect project for that one!!!

I did get the Sunflower Cross stitch finished as far as the cross stitching--
And yes I started a new project this morning!!!
And I need to decide how to finish this one????

I really have not felt 'well' this week-been moving --slow--and unmotivated--as my hiatal hernia has flared it's ugly head---I have not had a flare up in years--but???  I need to totally stop eating from the dinning room downstairs--not even the 2-3 days I think is safe--but that is so hard now--that I had to start paying the $7 a day for lunch--whether I eat it or not--???? I did get a new stainless steel drinking mug--and I love it--it keeps my water cold all day--maybe it is that--that I am reacting too--it is the only new-thing I have done in the past 2 weeks--hummmm???????

Monday did go on the Van to the big Dollar Tree and Bigger Publix--we had a full van full too--got a couple fall things for decorating at the Dollar Tree--now --if I could just get in the fall 'mood'???

To add to my dark blue collection--

Tuesday was another runaround day--3 of us went--we stopped at a couple thrift stores and I was good--only bought 3 items at one of them--also stopped and picked up my new glasses--I really like them--they have larger lens and are much better for stitching--if -- they would stay on my nose and not keep falling down--I had a problem with my older pair--even after 2-3 adjustments they just like to slide down my nose!!!  Maybe I need to super glue them to my nose or add some Velcro!!!!  We also went to Denny's for pancakes--we all had a great time--Oh here is bit of a story for you--IN the one thrift store my friend Carolyn bought a large--2 foot scarecrow--the boy one-- after she paid for it we turned around and my other friend Cheryl had the lady scarecrow!!!

I really like this vase--was surprised I bought it--not my normal color????

I fell in love with cute little jar--was going to dump out what was in it--but those little 'pumpkin' looking pieces are cute too and it does still have a nice light scent--soo!!
a nice jar for storing something in!!
one afternoon--I went through all my ufo's and decided which to keep and which ones I wanted to do now--like a winter one and a fall one--
Oh and I did make a list of them--think with them and this years monthly projects it is at mayb 20- or so--so I need to get busy----

The rest of the week--was--doing a bit of this and a bit of that--and trying not to stress--unfortunately there is something happening or changing here all the time--and it causes 'stress'--and yes I am still having some 'smell' issues from next door!!!
My elbow is not as painful or sore--but during the day--I still have to keep a bandage on it as it is still not totally healed up--and no word yet on the biopsy!!  
Have heard from Anne--she is a bit better--but still has a long way to go--and still having trouble sleeping during the night--even with the love and company of '9' fur babies and a new mattress--which the fur babies love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!