
Thursday, March 28, 2019


for Spring here--
but I have seen a couple small 'sightings' of things--
some tulip leaves breaking ground--
and a couple more spring birds arriving!!!!

So where did we leave off--

Sunday's Inchy was--
yep--I keep trying to do a new word each year--
but I keep coming back to this one word--
and as it was Sunday--I also wanted to  say I believe in God and love and goodness!!

Can't say alot of anything exciting happened--
but my body was very happy that I took the 9:30 bus to 'wally world' for a walk--
after being home and inside for 3 days straight cause of the hard cold wind out of the north!!!
( I had planned to walk to the Yarn shop on Friday--but the wind was just too strong!!)

about 5:30 pm I was mid way eating my supper and our fire alarms went off--
(I had forgotten how often they went off here--at least once a month average--but this
was the second time in less than a week!!!!)
a tenant put chicken under the boiler and then fell asleep--and yes --he had an actual fire
in his oven in the end--cause again--he just walked out the door--and didn't even turn the oven off--
so by the time the firemen got here--the oven was in flames!!!!  But --luckily that was the only damage--alot of smoke and chemical smell from the fire retardant they used!!! and yes this tenant lived close to me--Whattttt??????????????????)  the alarm earlier in the week was from burnt pork chops--another male tenant upstairs--but no damage--!!

And Tuesday was Anne's day--
she brought an old quilt that Fred had bought her at a sale for only $20--
 and we could tell that more than one person had stitched this together--
and there was even a little bit of sewing machine work on it!!!!
It really is a very pretty quilt-with old fabrics!

and here is a quilt top from both her blocks and some of mine she did--
Gotta love this one--it is pink!!!!!

We went to Arby's for the 2 for $5 --fish sandwiches--
as they will only have fish until Easter--
I paid this week and used cash!!!!
Later when I got home and when to check something on my cell phone--
there was an email from Arbys-saying that they seen I was there and would I do a review for them???
now how did they know I was there???????  (figured 'someone' is tracking my cell phone--not sure how I feel about that --but --guess it is just the way things are these days!!!)

I was sitting at the table working on stitching yesterday morning--
before taking the bus to wally world to walk--
I seen 2 new birds to my feeding area out under the tree--
a Mourning Dove--
and a --

a pretty House Finch!!
Welcome guys!!!

And I did get another Hand Piecing block finished--
This one in teals--
Two more to stitch--

I have also done alot of knitting on my socks--
and am happy to say--I have gotten the 3 tough areas done--
the heel, turning the heel, and the gussets--
so the rest should go faster and smoother!!!!!



Maria said...

Weather is weird all over the world... It should be Autumn here but we seem to be getting a late Summer as it HOT!
Good for you keeping up with the inchys
Lovely Pink Quilt and great you have completed your green block.

Deb A said...

Hope a few more pretty birds pop into your life soon! Love your HPQA block with the birds in the corners.

Carol said...

Those inchys are "growing" on me...It's a wonderful remembrance of the year!

I love to watch the birds too. Our neighbor put out 2 hanging tube-shape bird feeders and the sparrows and a mourning dove have come daily to feast.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Our cell phones do track us, we are all slowly accepting being monitored and being filmed. I don't worry about it, but sometimes I think about the book 1984 by Orson Wells. I have never seen a House Finch before - very pretty.

Kate said...

It's been a really weird spring, though it felt more like winter today. Sounds like you had if not a great week and eventful one. Hopefully that's it for the fire alams for awhile.