
Sunday, March 24, 2019


Have you noticed that we get a 'Sunday'--
about every week !!!!
and it being Sunday again---
it is report time--
But first--
here is where the Inchy life is at--

The last one I showed you was the Robin one--
And on Friday when I was sewing at the table in front of the window--
I looked out and seen--
a real live one in the driveway--
So he posed a bit and I got some nice photos of him/her!!

Then on Wednesday it was the first day of spring--
and I did this one--
and I has went to the Dollar store the day before--
so I could have a bit of spring in the apartment--
and forgot to take a photo of my 'bit of spring'-
Here is the stem of pink flowers and the yellow chick I got there!!!

On Thursday--
This was the Inchy--
cause I did this--
Got the last three hand piecing blocks cut out--
and I did get them all marked on Friday--
and gotten one almost all stitched together!!!

and I got this counted cross stitching finished--
Two Easter bunnies--
(actually the whole time I stitched on these all I could think of was
Shell at  and her bunnies, Hannah and Henry!!!

On Friday--
I did a clock--
I am a routine kinda gal--
I get up about 8am--and once showered and dressed I have breakfast--
then I do the Inchy and cross stitch for a bit--
12:00 finds me on the computer and eating lunch--
afternoon--is sewing projects of some kind or other--
and around 1:30 I go get the mail--!!
At 3:00 or a bit after--I have my cup of green tea and some tiny bunny cookies (Annies' organic ones!!) and read and then work on my socks!!
At 5:00 I am back on the computer and eating supper--
At 6:30 it is time to clean the kitchen and then retire to the rocking chair and the telly!!!
and more knitting--until around 8:30pm!!!!
Bed is about 10:30-11:00--
every day--unless--someone comes along and wants to do something 'fun' then I am outta here!!!

Here is all last weeks--
I stitch these onto the body of the rest of them on Saturday mornings while doing laundry!!!

So Saturdays Inchy starts a new week--
this weeks--
Some you may remember my lil sister, Barbara--
When she lived here back in 2010 --
and then I told you about how ill she was here before Thanksgiving and she ended up in a
nursing home--
I talked to her yesterday and she will be moving out of the nursing home and into her own
apartment this coming week end--I am soooooooo happy for her--
(she is finally after 6 years --back on her thyroid medicine and what a difference it has made--
she can talk again--and walk again--she almost died-cause she wouldn't see a doctor or take the medicine--I pray she keeps taking it once she is on her own)
and this apartment sounds nice--maybe I should move to SC instead of FL!!!!!

Now for some reports--
Last week I stitched 7/7 days--
and did about 11 hours of stitching all total--
this doesn't count my knitting!!!!
and so far this year--I have stitched everyday!!!

And for this one--
I will be working on a 3rd one of the Grace embroideries--
I got the 2nd one done last week--

And I this morning I worked on kitting up
these 3 counted crossing stitching projects--
But for this afternoon --
I do have a project to work on that I started back in January I think--
more on that if I get any finished---

Ok--back to your regularly scheduled programming now--!!!!



Kate said...

You are so organized with your projects and make such good progress on your WIPs. Love the bunny stitchery. Hope the temp are warmer. Enjoy the race today, I'm hoping to watch some of it once the SIT heads back to college. Have a great week.

Carol said...

I admire your organization, Di. If I had that much time to spend doing needlework, I would do it too. I love your photos of your progress!

I'm glad your sister is doing well enough to get her own place again. :-) I hope she behaves too.


Karen said...

I hardly ever go to a dollar store. The chick was a good find. Maybe I should stop at one and see what Easter kind of stuff they have.
You could always get on a list for South Carolina and be near your sister.

Alice said...

Well done!! Love your bunnies; they are so cute! Glad your sis is doing well and I hope she is happy in her new apartment.

Linda in Arkansas said...

My whole family has thyroid problems and some take the holistic approach and some of us take the medicine approach. I know how awful it is not to have meds - I can not believe she went so long without them. Oh My. I'm just so glad she is doing better now, and will continue. Love the pictures of the robin.

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

So organised! No wonder you get so much done :))
Love the bunnies! I am glad your sister is doing well now, nice for her to have her own flat.