Little sister came by today and said I had "two" packages down in the office from the mail man---so I flew down stairs and picked them up---I knew I had won something and so I was waiting for that to come--
But along with the Quilt Magazine that I won---I also got some other "goodies"--
See there is the magazine--along with a pretty card and "7" knitted baby hats for me to donate to my local hospital---the hats are sooo pretty and soft and in the right colors--and here is where I took them today--
This is Helen and she live two apartment from me and she volunteers at the Hospital and is always taking my hats up for me--she is always on the go--was actually surprised to find her home today!!!!
Now these "goodies" came by way of--Cape Coral, Fl and from a great blogging friend, Robin at so be sure to stop by and visit her--
Then the second package was from another great blogging friend--
This was not a winning---just a random act of love and friendship---wonder what is in that "odd" shaped package---
OH how cute--heart lollipops---see someone did remember me for Valentines Day!!!
let's see what else did she send--
a real pretty spool of embroidery thread and in my very favorite color---pink--and two pieces of fabric--again in my color--pink and a cute cute note pad--with not only pink in color, but with a cat on it---wonder how she know I loved cats???? These gifts are from Alice in VA at: so be sure and stop by and say "Hi" to her tooo!!!
What can I say---it was a truly great day and --
Yippee and --
Some of you asked about the snowman pillow embroidery I did and here is the pattern--
It is a Crabapple pattern---I did one of their designs last year with a snowman--but now I want to redo him to go with this one more than it does now---soooo!!!!
Got alittle applique done this morning with my friend Ann here quilting and for lunch--after she left I did get the rest of the pieces cut for Sunday Best--hopefull---now I said "hopefully" tomorrow I will be ready to "launch" into getting this quilt top off the ground!!!!!

AND DO NOT FORGET TO STOP BY TOMORROW EVENING AND ON THURSDAY---that is all I am going to tell you right now-----
Will see you then---and---
WOW! What a load of beautiful gifts for you! Are you happy dancing? Congrats!
Have a great eve.
Hugs, Marydon
Great mail day!
I just stumbled across your blog. What a fun blog you have!
Happy Stitching/Quilting.
Aw, what a sweetie Alice is :)
What a lovely present!!! The fabrics is wonderfully.. ande the lollipop?!!! Wow... hugs
How nice to get presents in the mail! Your site is looking pretty as always. Have a lovely day!
Oh how RAKs and yours delighted and made your day!
Lovely pressies!!! You deserve them all and more!
Glad you enjoyed your goodies! I kept my fingers crossed that the lollypops would make it to you all in one piece. Wow, 7 hats, how wonderful was that! You do so much for others, your deserve it! L, A-
WOW! You had another Christmas! What a great day.
A good day when you get GOOD mail. And it certainly appears as though your mail was GOOD.
Diane, you always make my face smile. You're one of those blessings that I "happened upon" in the blogging world. For that, I thank you.
what a delightful post! Your neighbour is just so very sweet.
Congrats on your win - and on the sweet Valentine gift! Friends are so awesome! You deserve all that pink sweetness -- so ENJOY!
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