
Monday, May 10, 2010


OH boy---another thread order came in today---
this order is from Thistle Needleworks, Inc. in CT--I found them on the Internet when I was searching for another thread company--and they had some interesting colors and some brands that I had not heard of--sooooo---you know that "Di" she just had to have some--
OH OH OH--they are just sooo pretty--can't wait to stitch with them---

the top two that are multi-colored are Wildflower threads by Caron collection and I guess are made to do cross stitch with--but I will probably use them in my stitcheries--they are like embroidery floss and are 6 strands that you separate!!
 will be ordering more colors in these for sure!!!
The next ones are called "Simply Shaker" and are by The Gentle Art threads--I got all the shaker colors--like Old Hickory--old red paint--blackboard--weathered barn---yumm again---oh what to stitch so I can use these yummy threads!!!

not really--just for me to enjoy---
My new birdhouse is back---
here is one of the 'surprises'---it has a flat nail in the key hole of the door panel on the front--
It has a pretty tin roof--
It has a see-through hole--just perfect to hide a nest in---
OH--what's this???
Yes---a secret place for me to store alllllllll my "money" in it to hide!!!!!
Now you know all the secrets of my new bird house!!!

"Di" is up for adoption is coming right along--I am getting more info on the following states---Utah--Maryland--American Samoa--Upstate New York--AU--Ohio---so many possibilities??????   I did do some more packing today--the main reason I am packing so soon--is that I am selling a couple pieces of furniture and so I had to "unload" them with my "treasures" and the things I had stored in them---and yes I was good and some is going to our local pet thrift store for them to sell to help feed those cats and dogs that are really waiting for adoption!!!

Well I am behind in my blog reading--sooo
OH--I did get this month's Sentimental Journey block all stitched--now to finish it off and I got another baby hat knitted while I did laundry this afternoon and I started the Bouquet bom from Jenny-- for May today--- along with some more packing!!!

Be good and give someone a hug today---
Hugs, to you--Di
Lela was another very dear lady whom I played cards with every evening during her last year here on earth--she died at age 95 and was only ill the last year and only in bed the last 3 days of her life--she was also one loving kind soul!


Maria said...

What gorgeous threads, love the birdhouse too.

Oh I must get off this computer and go to the shop.


Alice said...

OOOOH!!!! Yummy thread--now you can finish all kinds of projects!! The birdhouse is very cute. You are going to have to make some more of those cute little birds! L,A-

Barb said...

What a fun birdhouse....

The thread looks wonderful!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Thanks for your suggestion on my quilt it would help solve my problem as I need more color in that quilt! Oh I love those threads. I think I'll go check out that website. Thanks!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Beautiful threads!
My goodness you have been so busy!