
Sunday, February 6, 2011

A BOOK----

Chapter 1--
After Di and miss gracie ate their breakfast--
Di did what she always does--
She worked on a quilt--
Remember her ABC quilt that she basted this past week--
well--"Di" thought it would probably take her about 2 months to quilt--
but now it may take her 2 years to do it!!!!
First she was not at all happy with these leaves--
So she got out some embroidery thread and did a blanket stitch around them--
much better--
but then that lead to--
Deciding she needed to do a blanket stitch around the smaller flower petals--
so it would all look "tied" together--not bad so far--!!!
then she has decided these need blanket stitching tooooooo!!!!!
All 26 letters--
Remember that she did this applique years ago before she really took any lessons or read on the how to do needleturn applique--can you see where it will keep raveling
 out if she doesn't do anything now about it????
Here is one letter now done in the blanket stitch--
Think it looks much better and she was able to match the thread--believe it or not to the one used on finishing the letters bodies!!!
Chapter 2--
Just as Di was finishing this up--
Her beloved Lil sister showed up--
Lil sister thinks she should use thread colors to match the fabrics in each letter???
and lil sister announced that she wanted to see that yellow leafed ivy fixed before she came to visit again!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean just because she didn't like to see yellow leaves on a plant doesn't mean----!!!
Chapter 3--
Di is now in a "killing" mood--
so she takes the plant to the kitchen after lil sister leaves--
and cuts off the long stem that was dying and turning yellow--
she figures it was "kinder" to do that --than do the "killing" to the human sister!!!!
then she continues on her "killer" mood and takes it out on some cute grey dust bunnies--sorry bunnies--but somebody has to pay!!!!
Chapter 4--
By this time She feels like being really destructive and she wants to take a hammer to a wall and make a hole where there was none--
so she does---sorta of--
she goes to the window area in the dinning room/kitchen and takes down the curtains--
the now look--
She is hoping that with having more light in her kitchen this way--
that she will "magically" now want actually bake and cook!!!
Chapter 5--
She has decided now that she is "done" with men---
(course she has been for awhile--but then after Christmas these "guys" showed up!!)
And she was getting "tired" of being bossed around and so she kicked them out!!!
(have no fear--she just put them in a tote till next year!!)
And while she was at it==throwing things around and out--
she sorted through the magazines that was cluttering up her sewing shelves by her chair!!!
Chapter 6--
She is finally sitting in her chair--but she is very depressed--
she is soooo tired of feeling tired and not doing the things she would really like to do--like she actually got some cute lace snowmen curtains and white sheer curtains for the living room windows--but she never got them laundried--let alone hung up--
but she has also decided she really "hates" these curtains--
So she jumps up out of her chair and runs to the bathroom and gets the step stool-- and down they come--
then with a "shout" she grabs the white curtains and the quarters for the washing machine and off she "trots" to the washers and she washes the white curtains--
then she climbs the mountain stool and hangs them up--
and a close-up for the toppers--
She may be 5 weeks late in getting those curtains up--
but let no man nor woman say --she just didn't get to it this year!!!!
cause here is proof--better late than never!!!!!!!!!!!!
the End

So what is your "story" for today?????


Val said...

Whew! My story is not as productive! Went to church, lunch, spent the rest of the day at the hospital with sick friend. Could you please send some of that energy over here!!!

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Coffee, out with the dogs, laundry, long chat on the phone with a good friend, then ages trying to get through on the phone somewhere else - don't they get fed up of the phone ringing??? Then on the internet with my bank filing a case against a company I don't know using my creditcard ..... (the 2nd time in a year!!!) I am now thinking of dinner, but do I have the energy to do something about it??

Tammy said...

WOW Di!! What a your new curtains, they do seem much brighter :) Your applique looks perfect with the blanket stitching.
My story is far less exciting...I made Promise Stitch blocks most of the day and hid in my sewing room while hubby was in his man cave doing the football thing.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

You sure were in a "mood" yesterday. I've had those days before when nothing looked right.

Merilyn said...

You have been busy!!! Love the sheer curtains, good to let lots of light into the place, and I love the view of all that snow in your yard!!! Well done!!!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said... may have been in a "killer" mood LOL, but it sure did motivate you to make some fabulous changes in your home. I love all the light that is pouring in!
xx, shell

Linda in Arkansas said...

I love your new curtains! What a differnce!!! And yes the letters, leaves look better with the added touches!!!