something 'extra' in hand--
or rather 'in the bag'!!!!
I only went for a few groceries--
but look what I found in the shopping bag--
when I went to put the 'groceries' away--
A 100% all cotton night shirt--
love this style of nightshirt-
and "yes" I have plenty--
but I did not have a purple one--
and not a purple one with lambs on it--!!!!!
Was 'naughty' again today--
did not make it to the sewing room--
I have decided it is all the Presidents fault---
they had to have a holiday on Monday and it seems that the whole week has been 'on' holiday!!???
But I have gotten more counted cross stitch done on my lamb/snowflake one--
am nearly done on it--maybe if I am a good girl tonight--????????
Let me share a couple things with you--
In thinking about Easter--
I thought I would photo this--
I hand painted this--using the 'folk art' method years ago--
the photo does not do it justice--put I do love this painting--
it is done on wood and is exactly what I love--Country!!

and I must be already decorated cause I also found this hanging on the wall--
the big long wood bunny from the Country shop a couple years ago--
it hangs over my the 3 big windows in the living room-
again--it says 'Country' to me!!!
be good stay safe and stitch!!!!!!!
Hugs, Di and miss gracie
I bought that same nightshirt! Every time I wear it, my daughter tells me I have sheep on my behind! LOL
Hi Di. I love Country, Too. Your decorations are adorable.
Wish I could paint! I would like to paint scenery, especially around water. But I have never been that creative.I can do a lot of other things though so I am thankful for that.
I went to Walmart one day and they had some summer things on sale. I got the cutest pj set. It is so soft I can't wait to wear it.
Have a great night!
I love reading your blog! You make me smile and just feel happy. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations. I am glad someone else likes to do lots of different things. I do too. I have become addicted to crocheting again. Always have a blanket in the works to give away. Love the nightshirt too. K-
Hey it's purple--what can I say!!! Love your bunnies. You paint too, such talent! I want that kitten--looks sort of like a tiny CeCe.
Have fun decorating!
Good for you to take a break sometimes! I like your nightie - very cute with the lambs. And your bunnies are cute, too.
That nightshirt is so cute, love the colour
I love the Bunny artwork on wood, you really do have a variety of talents Di!! I love purple PJ's as well, very cute purchase!!!
Lovely Easter decor you have out. MY BFF Brenda loved anything 'bunny' so I made her all sorts of hare themed things. Now when I see one I always think of her. She has been gone now 10 yrs hard to believe.
Oh my you better not let Alice near that purple nightie!! Cute.
Need us to look for anything at quilt show for you???
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