
Monday, December 2, 2013


FOR December 3rd--
today you need to boost your Vitamin C--
and this is a great way to do it--
clementines are great for this--
and the smell of them is an instant--pick me up!!
so even if you don't eat them--
just grab one and smell it for a  minute or two--
so grab your helper--
and go shopping for some--
they are only 35 calories and a rich source of Vitamin C--

and then enjoy!!!!!

hugs, di and miss gracie
ps--miss gracie's mom helped out Santa today
and got her a gift!!!!


sunny said...

Mmmm...I have to go to the store tomorrow - I may have to pick up some clementines! Thanks for the great idea. Hugs to you and Miss Gracie!

Maria said...

Oh we don't get clementine's here but I love a Navel Orange, sew sweet.....

Grethe said...

Feel the clementines smell all the way to here!! One for me every day, lots of vitamin C, they are delicious:-)
Love miss Gracie there helping you do the shopping.