
Saturday, December 28, 2013


I do believe that Christmas this year was a delightful one--
one with many neat gifts from friends--

Do you see here that I got a new car????
and it can go 200 miles per hour????
Thanks Alice!!

and more items of 'sweets' and cat toys!!!
from Alice!!

And Sunny sent me a stocking filled with gifts and treats for me and miss gracie!!
I love the stocking--and I don't believe I have had a stocking since I was 18--
at least not one that I did not make myself--
thanks Sunny for all the goodies--
and this--
this will stay up for awhile--I just love it--
hand made by Sunny!! love it.

another gift from a friend here at the Jefferson!!!
the gingerbread is the front of a tote bag--
how cute!!!

I really did have a great Christmas this year--
and I do hope everyone else did, too!!!

Are we all working on our 'word' for next year????????
and what about our 'bucket list' for next year?????????
hugs, di and a more spoiled than ever--Miss gracie


Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Looks like you were spoiled this year! I wanted to pop in and say thank you for the wonderful card! It's funny because I was using the pin cushion you made me and thinking about you and then I went out to check the mail and found your card. lol

KaHolly said...

You and Miss Gracie made out like bandits!!

sunny said...

Yes, it looks like you and Miss Gracie had a pretty nice Christmas. And yes, I'm all ready with my word of the year. It came to me a couple of weeks ago! I can't believe that Christmas is over, and now it's time for a new year.

Raewyn said...

Looks like a fun and lovely Christmas, Di. Hmmm, a word, I'm still thinking.