
Sunday, May 24, 2015


As many of you know I have said that--
I do plan to move to Florida--
I have had my name on a list at a Senior place there for a few months now--
and on my trip down I did check it out and it seems to be a good place--
so even before coming home,
I knew that I had made the decision to move down--
WHEN I get the call that an apartment has become available--
that may be tomorrow or months from now--
But I am going ahead and working on a plan towards that move--

So yesterday, couple of fellows that I had boughten some furniture from -
when they had a shop here in town 4-5 years ago--
came by and bought back some and some of my other 'to dads'!!!

And this morning a couple here in the building bought 2 more pieces
and have come and picked them up--
so this apartment is getting larger by the minute!!!

I have boxed up alot for a rummage sale, also--
and we did bring up  a folding table from the community room--
so that I can unbox stuff and sort it better,
before selling it--

One of the next projects I need to do is sort my quilts--
have people asking to buy some and family wants some--
and I want to donate some--
so that is on the "todo" list--

So what my main plan A is--
to get down to the furniture and things that I would like to move with
to Florida--
then when the call comes--I am ready!!!!

I am still going for walks and taking photos too--
here is a couple from this morning--
Hope everyone is having a great week end--
Smiles, diandmissgracie


Raewyn said...

A big job Di, but good that you have time to plan and sort... hope the place comes up at just the right time :-)

sunny said...

It sounds like a solid plan! Much better to deal with things when you're not under a lot of pressure. If you plan to get rid of the quilt with all the buttons on squares, please keep me in mind. If I don't get a job soon, I'm going to try to plan a visit after your yard sale.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I am excited for you Di! I think this will be a wonderful adventure and a very good thing. Go and let the sun shine on your face. Hugs!

Linda in Arkansas said...

You've started with the first step, making the plan. :-) It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate isn't it? Good job getting rid of some furniture, it's a great step in the right direction. (I'm happy for you that you will be moving - how exciting!)