
Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Yesterday was Tuesday--
which means it was Anne's day to come--
and she arrived about 10 am her usual time--
with stories of her week and the past weeks challenges--

First though I would like to--
for Anne--
when here she had mentioned how her right knee ached--
but we went on with our visit--
and this is the quilt she brought me to show me--
and in case you don't recognize most of these blocks in this quilt--
they are last years 'color of the month' blocks I did with a couple of that
Anne made to make the quilt larger--
again this one will go to Hospice--

we also ventured out in the bitter cold of teens-
to go to Arby's for lunch--
more fish sandwiches--they only have them though Lent--
the gal told us--
then she brought me home and went on home--

About 7:30 she called me to tell me that--
her knee kept getting worse and worse and by supper time she could not use it--
it would just go out from under her--so her housemate took her up to the ER--
there they drained alot of 'blood' off the knee--said she had probably broke off
piece of bone and it had probably cut or nicked a vein--they then put her leg in
a brace of some sorts and sent her home and told her to call her dr today--
you can see I am very worried about her--
to me this sounds like it might be something serious--
may require surgery to remove what ever is broken off in her knee--
so please join me in praying for her healing!!


We are getting snow today--
mid teens here--
was really fine flakes for the first 3 hours--
but now the flakes are fat and fluffy--
and pretty to watch as it falls!!!
think we are suppose to get 3-5 inches--
we will see?????

More later or tomorrow--

(like a treat for a cat or dog, or feed some birds)


Joyce Carter said...

So sorry to hear About Anne. I will pray for her to get
better soon. Did she bump her knee or fall? Because I was wandering how something could have broken off in her knee.
The top looks beautiful. I love all the different blocks. It will be a beautiful quilt for some one.
I will trade you a couple days of rain for a couple of your days of snow. There is so much water here, it has nowhere to go. Take care of yourself.

Raewyn said...

Oh dear, I do hope it is nothing too serious - and if she needs surgery, that it all heals quickly and well. Lovely quilt- it's good to see the RSC blocks all sewn up!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll pray for your friend Anne...that does sound serious. I'm glad you were able to get out for a little while. You've had such a cold winter. Enjoy your afternoon my friend and thanks for stopping by with sweet comments. Sweet hugs, Diane

Carol said...

Anne is in my prayers...doesn't sound like a very easy thing to fix, so I hope and pray she comes through well.

I love that quilt! so colorful!

sunny said...

So sorry to hear of Anne's problem. She'll definitely be in my prayers. It's snowing in NY? I'm shocked. I think we're going to get a little more on Friday morning.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Prayers being sent!

Kate said...

Hope Anne's knee is nothing so serious to need surgery. She did a beautiful job with the rainbow blocks and it's going to a great new home. Hope the snow doesn't keep you for getting out and about.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Di - Oh, this doesn't sound good. I'm so glad she went to the ER and will be going to the doctor today. Please keep us informed. Hopefully it will be an easy fix and she will be up and feeling better soon. Praying for her now. Beautiful quilt.