
Thursday, May 23, 2019


I often find that it is the little things--
the little things in life that need doing--
and we put  off--
Like today--
I did a 'bunch' of little things--
that were adding up--
like potting some flowers I had gotten --
making more hummer food and cleaning and refilling the hummer feeder--
(though no Hummingbird sightings have been seen yet--!!)
taking out the trash--and recycle--
replacing the filter in the air purifying machine--
sewing the buttons on a baby sweater--so another box of them can be sent to a charity--
looking for address of where to send them--
didn't find it--but alot of paper's got cleaned up and sorted!!!
ironing some quilt blocks for a photo shoot--
Just some things that get put off--
until our list--runneth over!!!!

And on that list-- that now is about finished--
is doing a post!!!!
I did finish all the 'Grace' blocks--
I really enjoyed stitching on these--
and did the flowers in a coral thinking ahead to Florida move--
so now these are packed up for when I do move --
then I will go and find the fabrics to finish it!!
And let's see--
where are we on the Inchy's of life--
the temp was--
and fairly lovely outside--
I did get dressed--
and I did walk up to the bakery for my bread--
only they did not have the one I wanted--booo!!!
was a weird day--
one in which I lost my temper a couple times--
though those that upset me did not hear it!!!
and there is one company online that I will not be doing any business with
in the future--!!!!!
and I returned to get the right of loaf of bread that they said would be baked-
it was in the oven and not ready--
again--someone who worked there was not even nice to me about it!!
But there --I have to go back--no other place around here to get my bread--!

BUT-- I did do something 'good' for me--
I ordered my canvas cot and had it shipped to a girl friend in Fl --
I found a nice cot at Walmart that also makes into a chaise lounge--$40--
and decided it would be perfect for my first couple nights down there while
I went looking for a real bed---and a comfortable chair!!
but was afraid they would sell out of them--so one step more towards my move!!!
(and this cot will come in handy if I ever have to evacuate --as you have to take your

was a 'memory' day for one thing--
it was my Granny's birthday--
on my Dad's side--she was a tiny short thing--
I got my height of 4'10" from here--
I did get to know her while growing up as she would come up from Florida
off and on and visit--I don't remember what year she was born--that paper work is
still in Florida!!! Her first name was Jenny--humm--wonder why none of us girls were
named after her?????  I love that name!!
It was also Anne's day--
we visited for awhile and then did go to a greenhouse where I picked up 3 plants--
one for my hanging basket in the tree--million dollar red petunia's--sure hope they start producing million dollar bills soon!!!
Then we went to Pizza hut for lunch--
after Anne brought me home--I did walk up and was able to get the right loaf of bread--
Cracked Wheat--yum!
It was also a day for phone calls--
Heard from '4' friends--that is so unusual for me to hear from so many in one day!!!
Wednesday morning--
As I was opening the curtains and blinds in the bedroom--
I see a beautiful site--
perched on one of the branches in the tree--
was a bright red cardinal--again though--I just stood and watched him--
knew I couldn't get out to the camera, before he flew away--
which he  did shortly after!!
I took the bus to Walmart for a couple grocery items and a liner for the wire hanging basket--
(thought I had saved myself some money by buying one a while ago in the Dollar store--
but--discovered it was way too small---this one cost me $3.50--but it fits!!!)
and after lunch I walked about 3 blocks-- to the shop where I get my hair cut--
and came out looking not quite 'soo' shaggy!!!

I do believe that the reason I got 4 phone calls from loved ones in one day--
is because of some comments -you also my loved ones-
left me from my last post--
And I thank you all for your prayers and love and concern--
I am still struggling with after effects of the shingles--
and it does cause me to be depressed at time--
and it is why I believe I now have my 'temper from'--
cause I didn't have before I got them--!!!!!

Well I better go for now--
before I bore you all to death!!!

luv, di


Deb A said...

I find when I get in a 'funk' I put off all those little things and they get so overwhelming! Usually when I forget my medicine for a day or two! It is nice to take time and get them done and checked off the list. I hope your week is going better. Hugs to you!

Carol said...

Wow, you have done a LOT!!! I tend to "save up things" too. Makes you feel good crossing them off the list.

Hope today is a better one for you. Every day brings you closer to your move back to Florida. :-)

Maria said...

You still managed to get a lot done last week and I hope this week is better...