
Monday, July 17, 2023


 Well--the race was delayed a day in Vermont due to rain yesterday--so --I took that time to finish a couple more blocks in my country quilt--

So that put me a day behind in my normal Sunday posts--I figure if Nascar can do delays--so can I!!!!!

I did get some sewing done this week--

the bird quilt got it's border--

And my sister's blocks got all put together--

I just need to decide whether to add a border in this same blue or maybe a lighter blue--haven't had time to get out my blue box of fabric to play around???

And I did my red work for this months color of red--

first is the red heart block--
and here is the  second block--

and I only got '2' more heart blocks appliqued this week--

And here is Friday's heart block for this past week--of which I did '2' blocks --to practice --I first did the Christmas one in some scraps I had handy--only--when I went to do the 'pink' one for my set of heart blocks I am doing--I totally messed it up and had to re-start over--so much for practice--but here they both are--

there is '2' new embroidery stitches on the pink one I had to learn to do--what 'fun' I had doing that--but finally this old brain of mine kicked in and I got them done!!!

The rest of the week was spent on the Country blocks--first these '3' got done--
Oh what fun those bee's were!!!
Once I had these 3 done--I just had '3' more to do--one was the birdhouse block--and I made my birdhouse a bit bigger--Then I had to decide what to do for the bird block--she had given us a black crow to do for that block--and I have nothing against crows--but I love blue birds--so I designed me a blue bird--and then there was the 'mushroom' block--I had written down some ideas to replace that one--then I learned we were only just half way though the blocks--so what to do--one morning when I got up--I just knew--

I had to do a 'straw hat'--this is so me--and if she gives us a hat--I will just have to 'think' up something else for that one--

Here is the last 3 blocks--Now I just  have to decide on the 9 patches--what fabrics and colors for them and get some of them started--but?????????????

Here is all my blocks so far--all 18!!!!

And here is my Impatient plant--doing a nice job of not only staying alive--but popping out bloom after bloom!!!

It has '5' blooms on it  today!!!
And the thyme plant is growing--but very slowly--

my snail is keeping on eye on them for me!!!!!

And today while watching the race--I stitched on Christmas----to be continued next week!!!




I want to thank all you comment on my blog posts--blessings!

Raewyn said...

Golly lots of lovely stitching, Di - I'm not sure where to start! Isn't that border fabric perfect for your Bird Quilt?! Oh and good to see your Sisters - mine are still sitting in a box waiting for an outing :-( All your heart blocks are lovely. And your applique blocks are looking great - having to re-do those tiny pieces is a pain but so worth it to get them right (ask me how I know!!) - it's going to be such a nice quilt.

Deb A said...

So many cute projects you have in the works. I LOVE that straw hat you made. Very summery. Do you have enough of the face fabric of the sisters? A small 1 inch around the blue would look good and then another border maybe? Have a great week.

Maria said...

Great border for the Birdie Quilt and so good to see the Sisters together.
Lovely Hearts and appliqué too.
Always worth unpicking when not happy.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

My goodness you are busy. All your blocks are great. I do have a thing for hearts.

Kate said...

That border for the bird quilt is perfect. Your sister blocks turned out beautifully. All your Country blocks are really cute, you came up with some fun substitutions. Happy stitching this week.