
Sunday, August 6, 2023


Doing everything==but stitching it seemed--I was on the 'go' every day--Monday though Thursday--and even got to go to lunch on Wednesday with my 'new' daughter in law!!!  So by Wednesday afternoon, I was tired and so looking forward to just sitting in the rocker and stitching and watching some of my recorded shows from the Hallmark Mystery channel --only--I had no cable and the DVR was blank--tried to reboot it--but--all it would do was continually reboot--so had to call Spectrum and they said the DVR had died--what--- again??????  

If I got any time to stitch--I mostly appliqued on the Christmas Hearts--

And I only wanted to stitch on my Country blocks and put it together--which I did on Friday while I waited for Spectrum to come with the new DVR--and by mid afternoon I had the first sets done-

I was so happy to get all caught up--

BUT--when I looked at it on Saturday morning--hanging on the design wall- I did not like it--especially those 2 red --9 patches--they were just too bright--that is all you seen--

So--yesterday afternoon while I watched some 'racing'--I made friends with a 'frog' and we went to work--discovered there was 3rd block that needed to be replaced too--the one in front of the bird block-it was all 'wonky' for some reason--so after lots of 'frogging' and re-stitching --here she is --- 

Much Much better--at least I think so!!!

And did you notice what I stitched for the little blank row between the 9-patchs?

I did the ABC's to add a bit of 'interest' I counted and we would have 12 of these blocks--so did the ABC's on 9 strips and did heart on the other 3!!!  The abc's are done in 2 shades of blues!

And here is this week's Heart block--

And that was pretty much it for last week--I did do some hand quilting on the Beach scene and some knitting--

But hopefully I will have more time this week to stitch--though I already have plans for Monday!!!

I know I showed you photos of rainbows last week--but we had another really pretty one last night so here is a couple more to enjoy--

These are different though--do you know 'why'???  There is blue sky behind the rainbow--where as there is usually dark rain clouds behind them!!!

Well--guess this is all I got for this week--Oh--wait--I did discover I still had Netflix though my daughters account so got to see some good movies while waiting for the Spectrum guy--Watched--

Poms, A man called Otto, Rescued by Rudy (true story), Walk, Ride, Rodeo-(true story), Dog Gone (true story) and my favorite was--Where the Crawdads Sing--loved the scenery in this one and the story line was really good and a really great surprise ending--just my kind of movie!!!  Now that I know I have Netflix I will be using it  more often--do you know of any good movies for me to watch???





Have a happy-lazy week--it's time--enjoy!

Julierose said...

Wow Di i just love those country blocks--so beautiful and vintage looking--
nice work on all your projects. We are cooling down in the AC here which we just switched on as it is getting pretty hot!! thanks for the little laughs, too hugs, Julierose

Deb A said...

Looks like you had a good week. Stay cool this week - it's a hot one down here! Love the Christmas hearts, by the way.

Kate said...

So sorry about the DVR going out, that just gets annoying. Your Country blocks look great and so does this week's heart block. Hope you've had lots of time for stitching this week.