
Sunday, July 14, 2024


 What can I say it was an adventurous  week--

and a busy one--so not alot of time or energy for stitching--

but I did get some projects worked on--

But first do you realize that July is nearly half over already???

+++++ and there has been another so called 'upgrade' as to how we upload our photos--so far though it does seem simpler--guess time will tell for sure????

I did get this months stitchery finished from Jenny's site

These are all so cute and so small--

And I did get some hearts cut out and started appliqueing them on to the background fabric-

Actually I got 5 done--and this morning when I was waking up--God gave me an idea for these--to showcase them better--I have also gotten some other work done on this blue heart quilt!!

And I did start a new counted stitch piece that will be a gift for my friend Anne, in NY, her birthday is end of August--hope I can get it done by then????

And another little baby sweater is finished and is the first one towards the next  box full to be sent to charity!!

Now for the week--

It sure had some 'funny' twist and turns!!

Monday--was the Van morning--and we went to Aldi's and JoAnn's--would you believe I went into Joann's and did not buy a single piece of cloth--instead I was after a couple new decorative storage boxes and did find a couple I like--the lids come off and there is open handles on the sides--got the large one and a smaller one--these are for the desk (which will be the larger folding table set up--when I sell the desk I have there in that space--hopefully today??)   Did just sell the microwave cabinet!!

They had a resident rummage sale on the calendar for 2pm in the afternoon--and I had been rounding up stuff for that--went down and set up and only one other resident set up and we only had about 8-10 customers--nobody knew about it--Social worker did not put up any signs--so I only made about $15--left a box full of small stuff on the table in her outer office for free give away--but did bring some things back to apartment.

I had been waiting for a JoAnns online order to come in--later in the day I get the notice in an email that the order has been delivered--I go downstairs to pick it up--only no order came--so came home and looked it up and would you believe that Joann's put the wrong address on the package???  My old address at Ascension Manor--not been there for 6 years!!!  Joann did refund me the money!! the thing is I was just at Joann's in the morning and could of bought the thread there if I had known--!!!!!

Tuesday--morning I went on the bus to the Library and Publix--on the way down the hall way--I seen the a/c guys in Allen's apartment--next door--( the a/c guys are taking the outside vent covers off and cleaning out all the rust ect and then in some apartments they are coming in and replacing the frame around the a/c unit--I thought I was next so stopped to ask the men if I was--but they said they are doing some water damage apts first and they let me see his wall--oh my goodness people--his whole wall over his window and all around his window got bad damage back in Oct from a big rain storm--and I could see that over the window is lot of mold--looked like black mold to me too--remember I am still standing out in the hallway looking all the way in to his living room wall--I can not believe that Poah the organization that runs this place let him live there this long with that much damage??????

+++by the way--the mold kit I ordered for my apartment is showing mold growth--but it has another day or so before I know how bad--

Thursday--was a funny--but I guess 'laughable' day!!  My friend Carolyn and I catch the 9:00am bus and go to the Mall--I needed to go to two banks in the parking area of the Mall--the first one we walked to is the one I have my account in now--I wanted to draw out some money from my savings account in cash so I could go next door to open an account there--I get in line and am the 4th one back and at the window being waited on is a gentleman--well--he had lots and lots of bank bags and business to do and the clerk was also a bit slow--finally the next lady after him started giving him grief and for the next several minutes they had a verbal fight--and we all had to listen to it--finally a 2nd bank clerk came to help--when it was my turn--I had to give her my debit card and my ID card(don't  have a driver's license)  pretty soon she comes back to tell me she can't help me--cause my ID card had expired in May--What????  So I was able to transfer the money I needed from the savings to checking on my cell phone and go outside to the ATM machine and get my money that way--makes no sense--but???  Then we walk next door to the other bank to set up my account--as I talking to that bank clerk--it 'hit's me that I can not open an account at that bank cause --you guessed it--no valid ID!!!!--we left went back to the bus stop and came home!!!

I was able to make an appointment for the 22nd to go to the motor vehicle office and get me a new ID card--it will cost me $55.00--for a simple ID card--but in FL you need one--have used mine several times!!!

So what have I been doing when not getting into trouble???

Sorting and Sorting-and getting rid of--things like yarn, patterns. some books and lots of fabric--

Remember I used to have all those little tote baskets holding my fabrics --well--now I have my fabric in these neat large envelope type --zipper--bags--as I use the fabrics in each one I plan to add a small strip of fabric on that little loop on the zipper so I can tell better what color fabrics are in each bag--I did run out of the bags so had to order more from Amazon--hopefully these will keep out the 'oders and the smell of mold"!!!   I have some bags, of fabric, to donate to my local quilt guild--!!!

Hey--I did find the Christmas project I want to work on for this month's Chooksheld challenge!!

And here is another sunset this past week!!!  Now that is red!!!!




I can see some really pretty cloud patterns today out my window--do you ever watch clouds???

Deb A said...

I love watching clouds and seeing what shapes they are. Driving home this week, I pointed out a witch's hat to the kids. I believe I got 2 eye rolls! They both point out pretty sunsets and rainbows to me, so I think I did pretty good passing it along =). Sorry about the potential mold issue. I really hope they take care of it for you. Lots of work organizing this week, so hopefully you can play more with fabrics next week.

Maria said...

Yes I also enjoy cloud watching!
You always do such pretty cross stitch and stitcheries…
Great bright baby cardigan.
Busy had.

Kate said...

Your blue hearts are my favorite project you've got in the works, but all your projects are looking good. Sorry for the mold problems those are just nasty, even if you don't have sensitivities. I have my physical ID's but it's getting hard to do much without a cellphone and verification codes. I ran into a problem with our AT&T mobile phone account, I needed to make an update to the permissions, but it kept asking for my 6 digit code. When I finally got someone on the phone they said, oh they gave it to you when you opened the account. Well that was almost 20 years ago now, we didn't have 2 part verifications in those days. Took me forever to get that set up!