
Sunday, August 11, 2024


 I have always felt bad for the month of August--the poor month doesn't have any kind of holiday--!!

It just hangs there between July and all it's celebrations and September when Fall arrives and schools everywhere are back in session--

So poor August is a lonely month--the gardens are coming to a 'slow down' and dying off process--everyone is already decorating for Fall--but Fall isn't even here yet---Some states the school year starts so no kiddies outside playing--the birds are even gathering to fly south--Poor August!!!!

But here at Ivy Cottage--it is the same---stitch--- stitch--- stitch!!!

A busy week with a needle and fabric--

I got a small embroidery --for a block of the month done--

This is this months block from Jenny--

And I have started this months block from Melisa's site--

I got the blue 4-patches sewn together--

and they are squared up--so now all the blocks for this quilt are just waiting for me to start putting them together!!!

I took one day and pretty much used it to finish a baby quilt I had started in June and got it machine quilted--

I had this charm pack for a long time and the border fabric and I also used the border fabric on the back--I looks a bit 'wrinkled' here--but it's not really!!!

Here is the counted cross stitching I am working on right now--

 I need to try and get this one finished by Aug 21st for shipping to NY for my friend Anne's birthday on the 26th!!  This is so Anne--other than she also--at the age of 86--makes 120 or more hospice quilts a year--40 baby blankets a year for out Seneca Santa up there --she gardens and bakes-- and volunteers at the Human Society socializing kittens every week--and she has 6 cats!!!

And I have this quilt on the basting table--
I did get it all basted for what is taped to the table--tomorrow I will untape this part and move it down so I can quilt the top part of the quilt--And yes--I am not ready to actually hand quilt this one--have a longs ways to go yet, on the country one--but I wanted to get this one and 2 other larger ones I have --basted--!!!

Another little baby sweater got knitted too-

And yes--I thought about 'chocolate' the whole time I knitted on this one!!!!

Some happy mail came in--one-- was some new kids prints for baby quilts--

These 5 piece fat quarter bundles were on sale at Missouri quilts a couple weeks ago--from $20 a bundle to $5.50 a bundle--What--???  I also got this bundle--either for something I work on or even for the baby quilts--

I can't tell you how great it is to be back into my stitching routine--HAPPY DANCE HERE!!!

I seen this cute dehumidifier at a friends apartment and I just had to get one--
It collects about an inch to inch and half of water per day--so it is doing something!!!

And I ran across some articles I had kept from some magazines a while ago and learned about some house plants--
one was about the Peace Lily--

So last Monday when I went to Walmart I was able to purchase this one--Peace lily's absorb mold and send it to their roots and then use it like fertilizer for the plant--so hopefully it will help on the mold issue for now--I also need to get a palm tree (absorbs order's like hopefully what is coming in from next door) and a spider plant that absorbs chemicals!!  It was raining hard when I was at Walmart so couldn't really get out into the plant department!!!

As for me moving--well--I do have the doctors paper's but---I have learned that everyone is complaining about mold in their apartments and --people smoking in their apartments--all over the building--so why try to move--I could end up in a worse situation than I am in here--???????
And there is no way I want to be next to someone who is smoking cigarettes---that really get's me to coughing and gives me a headache--so here I am--I have worked hard to make my apartment as safe as I can for now--we will see what happens in the future--as the saying goes--


****And as for Debby the storm--right here on the east coast we just got some rain and nothing bad--just some much needed rain--but now there is another storm system out in the  Atlantic to watch!!?? 



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I think we should name August--eat ice cream every day month!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I guess we are so tired of the heat that we want August to be over! lol Love the quilts for Hospice. I volunteered at our hospice house for 2 years and the quilts are so welcome and loved by those that are there. Hugs!

Maria said...

You’ve done well Di. A finished quilt and baby cardigan as well as working on your blocks and sweet stitchery. Some nice mail there.
Hope you enjoy this week.

Kate said...

You had a very productive week. The baby quilt is really cute, you picked a beautiful color palette for it. Sounds like you are doing all you can to exist with the issues in the building. It's just too sad that yes you could move and end up in a worse situation.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I got tickled about how you said August is a lonely month. LOL. I hadn't thought about it , but you are right - there are no holidays . The baby quilt is cute as a button . You have a lot of fabulous projects in the works. Have a lovely week, Di.

Deb A said...

Well, I know a few people with birthday's in August, does that count? Your projects are looking good. That is a fair point on the moving, it sounds like there are inconsiderate people everywhere. I hope the plants help.