
Sunday, January 5, 2025


 At least I hope I can get back into some kind of routine--the month of December was a 'rough' one for me, in many ways--with challenges of all kinds--like trying to breathe--and then busy family times--!!!

It took me '2' weeks to actually decorate for Christmas and I really did not get it finished till Christmas Eve--I was alone for Christmas Day--but I did plan a nice meal for myself--and as I still was not feeling well--it was more than okay!!

On Friday evening my daughter, Dawn, arrived from Illinois--and she was here till Thursday morning--we did alot of shopping and one day even went to the Zoo--where-- you guessed it--I took lots of photos!!!! They have made a whole new board walk around a large area and now you can see even more animals up close and that was really nice--we got there in a heavy fog at 9:45--and we had to wait for the giraffes to decide it  was 'dry' enough for them to come out--apparently they don't like 'wet' weather!!!!

While on a mini break where we were sitting at a picnic area--I notice a Dad--talking and playing with his daugher of about 10 months--I did speak to him--and I thanked his wife for the man's Christmas gift--look at his shirt--------as we were leaving--he was also leaving and I got brave and asked him if I could take their photo--

Did you notice the little girls photo throughout the Dads shirt--with sunglasses on!!!!  and later I realized the little pink coat on the little girl--reminded me of a little pink coat I had made Dawn when she was little ( I also made me a matching coat)!!

And here is one of my favorite animals--

Opps --can you tell where this volunteer worked???


The Zoo was still all dressed up for Christmas--(we were there on New Years Eve Day)

Okay--I realize that this is suppose to be a Quilt blog site--
with being so ill and then Family--(oh we did have our family Christmas at my son--Dan's house with my new daughter in law--Sarah on New Year's Day--only--Sarah had the 'virus' and was still sick--she was only about 6 days into it--and it's a 3 week one!!  But did gifts and then Dawn and I did the dinner and clean up and then we celebrated Sarah's birthday with a 3 layer triple chocolate cake--and we got her a Flamingo floatie for the new pool!!!  and because she was so sick --we left--on the way home I did get to see some pretty Christmas lights--so that was nice too--

Oh--wait--I am suppose to be talking about --Quilts!!!
Well--I don't know what to say--not much got done in December that was for sure!!
As for the year---I stitched every single day til Nov 1st when the move started--I lost a good 27 days between the move and illness total between Nov and Dec!!
I did get the Christmas Sunbonnet Sue all hand quilted--it is still waiting for it's binding--
I have gotten back to a bit of counted cross stitching in the mornings--still trying to fill in the big crows body--and now I see that Melisa is doing a pretty winter cross stitching--but I will need to go to JoAnn's for fabric and thread first and that won't be for  a week yet--so I will be behind on that one--

For the Chook challenge-- will be doing the binding on the Sue's top as January's finish, and I want to do something else on that one once the binding is done--haven't had time to find the other "9" projects and list them--I will try to do that by next week--!!!

I still have alot of work to do to get back to sewing and quilting--but now that the holidays are over hopefully that won't be long, now!!

ON--Friday my friend Cheryl and I went to  two thrift stores--and I found alot of nice items--nearly everything was 50 cents or 99 cents--this basket was a bit expensive--but I just had to buy it at $5.99--

I love baskets with that 'neat' latch bar on them!!

My new white basket has a home--but this new little bear wants it for his home!!!

a pretty wood bowl-plate and 2 pretty bottles one is blue the other one is pink--

A homemade cat and 2 fuzzy trees--not sure if I will use these trees with my snowmen or use them at Easter time???

2 pretty pitchers--had to have that one with the pink roses on it!!

2 nice black jars and one green vase                                                                                   

a nice square blue and white dish and cute sailboat

a pretty lunch plate for me

Well--I have chatted long enough and blogger is not wanting to work well--so will close--



Julierose said...

You certainly made a lot of nice finds at that Flea Market--it's funny how one day you find a whole lot of goodies and the next time you cannot seem to come up with even one thing!! At least for me that happens a lot!! I love that little pitcher with the roses on it especially...just so sweet...
Thanks for sharing your finds and your zoo visit hugs, Julierose

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You've had a busy holiday with all kinds of fun and surprises. There will be time to quilt now with it turning so cold! Lots of hugs, Diane

Maria said...

Good to see you back I’m still not managing to get back into the loop.

Kate said...

We avoided illnesses this year (all three of us came home with Covid the last Christmas). Sounds like you got to have a wonderful time with your family. Hopefully you are feeling much better and are getting back to your normal routines.