
Friday, December 29, 2017


Since Christmas I have gotten one more gift in the mail--
a cute cat card and a delicious bar of chocolate!!
From a great designer--Shell--THANK YOU THANK YOU--

And from my kids--
from the daughter--
yep--I even get chocolate from the kidlets--
and my big gift from her is this--
this is soooo pretty--and it will go next to my rocking chair--
as I seem to have so many different kinds of hand projects going at one time--
like hand quilting (bottom shelf)
knitting, embroidery, wool projects, and this year I am back to doing Counted cross stitching!!
so needed something larger than my basket to sort them and all the 'stuff' that goes in doing the projects--know what I mean???

From the son--
I know--a swifter--
I have to have him clean off my ceiling fan blades cause I am not nearly 'tall' enough--
so he thought this would help--
and in the gift box he taped a Visa card for $80 for my new rocking chair pads--
and they did get ordered today--hope they fit--this rocking chair is a large one!!!
and do you see the singer item in the back ground--
look at what you get when you open it--
all colors of thread and equipment for sewing--
he said he knew that I had my own stuff to put in here--
and other thread--so I can take this thread out--!!!

Ok and now for the couple 'surprises' that I haven't had time to tell you about--
on Friday before Chmas I called our cable company--
if you remember I have been without cable tv for a year now--
and my internet/house phone bill has been $70 a month--
then I got notice in Nov that bill was going to $100 for just those 2 items--
called--no specials any more--boooo!!!
but then I got a letter about 'upgrading'--
so called about that and guess what????
I now have cable/internet/phone for only $114 a month--
so I am actually getting the cable--all channels and recorder for just $14 more dollars a month--
now that is a good deal--so now I will be able to watch Nascar this next year!!!!

And --
yes I bought a new bed --mattress when I moved down here 2 years ago--but--
that mattress was not a good one--was lied too--
and it was getting really bad and killing my lower back--
well--the nurse who comes and gives me my B-12 injections each month knew of an
organization that provides mattress to us 'low income' folks--
and she was able to get me one and that came on Saturday--
and what a difference it has made in my back pain--!!!

So one just never knows what good and exciting things can happen from one to the next--



Karen said...

I was wondering what the Singer box was and now I know. The three tier tray will certainly get good use with all your supplies and projects.

sunny said...

Well my gosh girl, you are all set for the new year. Get some good rest on that mattress, and then let the organizing and sewing begin. Happy New Year! Love that little cart/shelf thingy.

Kate said...

Very fun Christmas gifts! It's nice to know people who know people who can help with big things like replacing mattresses. Now you can begin the new year, pain free (well at least with reduced pain, getting old is not for sissies I've discovered). I like your new side bars. Happy stitching in 2018.