
Thursday, July 11, 2019


we are finally having some summer weather--
though for the most part only low 80's and so far--
not much humidity--
and--are you ready for this--
some days --all day--sunshine--wow!!!!!

was this Inchy--
a basket of flowers--
for having finished this embroidery basket--
which I already showed you--
this was the 10th one--
out of 20--half way there--
and some progress has been done on #11---

and talking about flowers--

every morning when I go out to 'feed' the daily "critter" line-up--
and do a bit of dead heading--a couple blooms come inside--
and I use this shot glass that I got on the trip during Irma escape!!
so this little bear keeps on eye on them for me too--
they are out on the sink ledge so I get to enjoy them when in the kitchen working!!
(don't know why I bought a shot glass--I don't use them  for that--
I just thought this one was cute with the bear hanging off it!!!!)

morning I was not at my best-
so no walk at Walmart--
but in the afternoon and it being a lovely day outside--
I did make it over town--
to finally see Nancy--
she is my other knitting friend and works on Mondays--
I did not get to see her when I first got back and being so ill for all of fall--
didn't get there--then the cold weather--
and then in Feb, Nancy ended up in the hospital and had surgery--
and then a second one in May--so she had just gotten back to her Monday work day--
we had a nice time catching up--

was a busy day--
more paper work had come in for Florida--
so that had to get done and get faxed back--
then --
it being Tuesday--it was Anne's day--
we visited til lunch time--
can you tell what we had and where we went????
Pizza hut--and had personnel pan pizza's with spinach on  them--
we hadn't  been out to lunch in a couple weeks--so we enjoyed ourselves!!
In the afternoon a got a hem stitched in on a dress--
yep--me in a dress--oh and this time the hem came out even!!!!

Also worked on the 2 Christmas embroidery ornaments that Joy is doing--
there will be  3 of them this month and the finishing--
they are simple and cute--

was a very busy morning for me--
I did the 9:30 bus to Walmart--
then walked over to my hairdressers and got a hair cut--
was beginning to look like the 'shaggy dog'--
then a little bit further down to the eye glass place to get another
small adjustment on my new glasses--
and ---
on the way back home I stopped at--the Holy Cow--
that I did say--holy cow--
only it is an actual place--
it is in the old Natural foods store where I used to shop years ago--

I got a half pound of ground beef for my spaghetti--
and it actually tasted and cooked up like the old fashioned ground beef--
it was $7 a lb--so half was only $3.84-but worth it--
their prices are high--but everything looked really good and they get 5 star ratings!!

afternoon was spent on doing some counted cross stitching, and embroidery on the
Christmas ornaments--

And this order came in yesterday in the mail--

Such pretty pink paper--
and the free pattern and candies--
and the last 4 of the Word Play patterns--
(yep they say $11 each on them--the others I ordered where only $9 for the same place--
those prices just like to 'jump' higher when one isn't looking--it seems to happen everywhere
these days!!!!)

So how is your week coming along????



Deb A said...

Busy week! Enjoy the weather.... bad t-storm here now. lightning and thunder hit at the same time.... I jumped in my chair!

Linda in Arkansas said...

YAY! The last four of your word play! They will be so fun to stitch up. Funny little cartoon. This morning I got out the bag of treats and my little dog fell over playing dead with out me even saying a word. I think she knows her tricks too well.

Maria said...

I enjoy the stories behind each inchy... Nice parcel and yes prices just keep going up..
Love the cartoon....

Carol said...

I admire your ambition, Di. Always got sewing going, every day! Kudos to you!

Granddaughter fell at summer camp and spent the day with me, playing invalid. Kind of funny, but I feel sorry for her too. lol Grandson broke his collarbone and is out of summer camp the rest of the summer. :-(
Other than that, everything is peachy! lol

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Love your little "vase" with flowers :) So cute! xx