
Wednesday, July 22, 2020


I put my foot to the pedal today!!!!
I was 2 blocks behind in the Snowflake mystery quilt--
by the Fat quarter shop--
and Block 2 looked like a lot of work--
but I was determined to 'bite that bullet' --
and put my head down and do them--
we had to make '8' of these blocks with '4' of these flying geese strips--
on each block--that's a lot of flying geese!!!!
but with that new tape for a guide on my machine
instead of having to mark all those 2 1/2" squares--
I had all the flying geese stitched in an hour--
and even stitched across the corners a second time to get his 'pile'--
There is 128 here to be pressed and squared up into 1 1/2" squares--
and later in the afternoon I added 8 more in green and white--
Can't wait to see what I can come up with these 'extra' squares!!???

after each square was done-
we also sewed a solid white strip to each one--
seeing I used a print for the center of each one--
I had to really think about where that white strip should go--
top or bottom on some, and right or left side on some!!
now when we get the finishing of the top
 we will see if I figured it out right!!

Once these 8 were done--
I still had time to get some more done--
so did block 3 --(already had all the parts cut)
these I did in green--
and I was real careful which way I stitched the half square triangles on each end of
 the lighter green--
only after I had them all sewed--
did I see--
I had done them wrong--
I sewed the strips correctly--but then when I sewed them to the rest of the block
I turned them wrong--
am I going to change them--
don't think so--
but I will have to wait to see step 4 to decide??????

I had one comment yesterday about my family moving away-
and it said--
that you shouldn't move for family--
cause they always move away!!!

and you would of thought that I would of learned that years ago--
When I moved down here in 1988 the first time--
I came down cause my lil sister had moved down here and she said-
"we will never move back to NY"
so after she was here for a 18 months--down my son and I came--
plus I knew I would still get to see my parents a few times every winter--
though they camped over on the west coast!!
Well-- I was here for only 18 months when my lil sister and her family moved
back to NY and a year or so later my parents stopped coming to Fl for the winters!!!

But for what ever reason--
Florida is in my heart--(same as it was for my Dad!)
so here I am--
and right now--
we can't really be with family, much, cause of this Covid thing--
even if I do mess up some blocks sewing--
I do have my sewing to keep me company!!!
Along with some very lovely blog friends--

So Bless you all--stay safe and keep reading the blog sites and commenting--
you just might make someone's day a bit brighter!!
luv, di


Deb A said...

Ok, I had to go back and look, twice before I saw the error in the block! We moved down here in 2011 to be closer to Gregs aging parents. Both still here 9 years later =)

Julierose said...

I can see why you moved to be near to family, but sadly, it doesn't always work out;(( We are within driving range of my son and daughter and their children, but with covid no one is blogs and texts (why can't we just talk on the phone like we used to???;((( ) is what we do, also...
I love your chritsmas Snowmen blocks--so pretty and cheerful. hugs from humid East coast Shoreline Julierose

Linda in Arkansas said...

I remember when my in-laws moved from CA to Utah. My husband said okay lets move too. I said NO WAY. I have a good job and a house. Those in-laws ended up moving within a year! Whew, dodged that bullet. I'm still here and now my kids are grown and in the same town as me. So much sewing you have done. Wow!

Karen said...

Love your snowman blocks! This Covid thing is really putting a damper on many things, but not on being able to sew! Keep thinking positive.

sunny said...

I love the fabric that you're using for your Christmas blockS What a great choice. I've actually started back to work on a 'snowy' cross stitch project.


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