
Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Life has been 'strange' for me for the last week--
It kinda started Last Thursday--
Here in the building, the apartment next door to me--
(sharing a common wall) was getting a make over as one tenant left-
which means all 4 of these end apartments now have new tenants since
I moved in in Sept!!)
anyways--on Thursday--they did the flooring--lots and lots of smelly glue--
it got really bad in my apartment!! But me--I was doing a project and did not want to leave--
I can be stubborn that way sometimes!!--
I was working on these spool blocks--

middle row--for the Jolly Bar stitch along--

Friday was grocery shopping day with my girl friend--
was good to be out and about--
she had 2 stops to do, before we got to Publix--
I did my monthly shopping--
and I do believe everyone I seen had a mask on --
and this store does have the self service check outs--
which I use as it is '2' less people handling my groceries!
and I survived that trip!!
And came home with some dark chocolate--which I really needed
or I would of really been in trouble----

It was Saturday morning that things really got out of hand--
Remember I am working on my #5 project for the Dirty Dozen club that
I joined starting this month--
working with putting together these blocks--
this was a NY project that I was working on when I moved to Florida the first time--
5 years ago--it was from the quilt shop in NY that I was doing it-
and somehow I did not get the last pattern that was on how to finish it!!
I did have pictures--just no measurements--

I looked at it and counted the blocks and thought--thought I needed 2 1/2" blocks--
so I cut the all the rest of the black fabric that I had with the blocks into 2 1/2" squares--
and then I cut and cut lots of solid colored fabrics in to 2 1/2" squares--
the first thing I discovered was--I did not have nearly enough black squares to do the
I then decided on this grey--
Got the 2 1/2" squares all cut--
and started sewing and very quickly realized--
I had a big problem--
wrong size--
I did cut the 4 patch down--
but it just did not look right at all--
by this time--
my head was out of it--
my whole body ached--
and I knew I was done for and that I just needed to do something 'simple'--
the chemicals had caught up to me from Thursdays exposure!
So I got comfy in my rocking chair and started a big project--
and by bedtime on Saturday evening around midnight--
I had this done--
O-- yes--I am playing with my Cosmos thread --again!!
this time we are doing them on the little cardboard cards--
with doing more and more embroidery work--the little bags I had them in--
just wasn't working as well--
here I can see the whole 'field' of greens, or blues, or pinks----!!
Sunday morning I was able to do a bit of counted cross stitching and now
my Mouse has a full cape!!
but then started feeling poorly again--
so after lunch, back to the rocking chair and more floss wrapping--
and a second box is full--
there is over a 100 floss cards in each box!!

Monday morning--
I got up and got the laundry ready to go out the door--
and was putting on my mask-
when the fire alarm went off--
I did end up going down the back stairs and outside--
and I could see that the Lobby area was full of 'smoke'--
but later learned it was not smoke-
but freon--from an air conditioner--!!!
the elevators were working so we were able to come home--
me with my hand clamped over my nose as we still had to walk
though some of the freon--I came home and stayed home-
laundry would wait--
and I went to work on the black blocks--
and by 10:30 this morning I had the center part all done--
I ended up cutting black cotton fabric into 1 1/2" squares and
wool into 1 1/2" pieces--this is how the pattern picture is--
it also has these checkerboard rows going around the outside of this center piece--
I do not have enough wool in the right colors to do that--
so I am again trying something else--
and I think it will work--
but we will have to wait until it's done to show you!!!
and don't worry--laundry did get done before lunch today--
and yesterday afternoon--
another box got filled with floss cards--the blues are done--
I plan to finish the other 3 colors--
yellow, oranges and browns!!
then back to hand quilting and applique work!!!

So what has been your 'challenge' this week???
Or what have you been struggling with????



~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh my! You've had a lot to deal with and it's hard trying to make a design come together. But at least you had some dark chocolate to get you through. And maybe you got to watch some racing. I'm not a race fan and hope they can get football back. I hope...I hope!!! We're trying to stay cool and that's about it. We walked yesterday morning and it was SO HOT! Take care! Hugs!

Carol said...

{{{Di}}} I knew there had to be a reason why you've been on my mind so much. I'm sorry I haven't written before now. Glad you were able to get some stuff done and you are an expert at figuring out how to make things work!!

Deb A said...

Oh no! That does sound like an ordeal. Just wondering why they redo the floors each time someone moves out? I would think just a deep clean would be needed? Had to go to Publix today... I had my mask on as did 3/4 of the people in there. Stay safe.

Maria said...

You sure had a hectic time Di... nice you could sit and sort your threads.....
Alls good down here.

Linda in Arkansas said...

The checkered border looks so pretty - so glad you (remembered) figured it out. I know you will come up with something good for the outside border too.

Karen said...

I had heard there are Publix stores with self serve though I have never been in one. I prefer a cashier and bagger service.

sunny said...

Your piece is beautiful! I'm glad you got everything figured out. I hope you're feeling much better by now, especially since it's been a few days since you wrote this.

Kate said...

The wool applique is beautiful! So sorry you had a bit of yucky week with the fall out from the chemical treatment. Hopefully you are feeling much better now.