
Sunday, October 15, 2023


 and clear blue skies--but for Florida, being the Sunshine state--I sure did not see much sunshine this week!!!!  We had alot of dark dreary days and some rain mixed in!!

It was another bit of a stressful week--I am soooo thankful for my stitching life style and my blog friends--otherwise????????????

I did finally get the heart block from a couple weeks ago done--

But now for the 'story'!!!  First, mine did come out too big--but there is others this big in this line--so it will be ok--Notice, that I put a dash line around the edge--3/4" from edge around all these hearts I have done--think we are on the 36 or so block--so I did that first--then appliqued the heart--got it finished and went on to the this week's heart and happened to look over--and realized--I had appliqued the heart to the wrong side of the fabric and the dash line design--so now the question--do I unstitch the heart or do I take out and  redo the dash line---guess which one I did???   The dash line got redone!!!

then I moved onto the new block--

I love this week's block--now--I have to say--I, also, made a big mistake on this one--I did the tracing of the words on the back side of the fabric--but I couldn't redo that--so the little tulip design is just a bit harder to see--but will be hopefully, ok!!

I also got this week's Country block done--

A pie bird--and here she is with my 2 pie birds--I have had the yellow one for a very long time--in fact it was probably my Moms--so it's old--but the black one is a new reproduction one, I'm sure!!  I did not realize the yellow beak on the black pie bird--so may redo this one--then again??????????????

Here is the new counted cross stitching project I am working on--

I have gotten more stitched on this since I took the photo--the kitty's head is in now!!  Wonder if 'Di" will get this done by this Halloween??

I did some work on the counted cross stitching wall hanging--

Step one is done--the lace between the rows--now on to step two---

And I have gotten some hand quilting done on the bird panel--

Plus I did get a Sunbonnet Sue designed--that I am using Christmas Plaids for the outfits, almost done-the first one--have a 2nd one all cut out to applique--and waiting on more plaid prints to come in the mail--

and talking about the mail--I ordered a plant stand from Amazon for only $33--that came this week--and I got it all put together allll by myself--it's taller that me--and it is very sturdy!!

I got it so I would have a place to use my things for holiday/seasonal decorating--I have no shelves on the walls-- cause my walls are full of quilts!!!--as the shelves are just wires--I knew I needed to find something to put on the shelfs to put the displays on--I somehow--discovered thin canvas painting boards that came 3 to a package for under $4 at Walmart--and they will be perfect--NOW--I just need the decorating fairies to come along and decorate them--I am just not good at that---!!

I did get the new fall table covering on the table in the kitchen and did decorate it--

Well sorta decorated--who knows if it will stay this way??????


Trauma--still--when  you have lived in HUD senior housing for 22 years--you do start to lose your patience with people--especially those in charge--who are getting paid good money to take care of and handle the 'larger' jobs in living within the building--but they treat us like we are all dumb, stupid, and unimportant--they are here to just put in their hours and then collect their nice big checks and go home to their nice houses--!!!  This week for me it was air conditioning woes--on Thursday morning I woke to mine making all kinds of loud noises--so called the front office--well--one of maintenance men did come up-Merit--and of course the a/c was between cycles so 'no' noise--could he stay a minute and wait for it to turn on so he could hear it--nope--but--he did take it out and looked it over--that is good--only--it did not take care of the problem--so Friday morning I call again-again he came up--between cycles and he was 'mad'--finally said he would change it out-but wouldn't guarantee the next one would be quieter-- but again he  did not really hear the noise--so he had no idea how loud it was--he did change the unit out--took all of 10 minutes--and he left in a huff and still angry!!  What can I say--I am grateful to have a place to live and not be on the street--cause if I couldn't live in a HUD housing project I would be one of the homeless souls who the ride the bus as I have very little income--so I will just whine now and then and go right on quilting and knitting in between rants--thanks for listening!





Do you decorate for fall???

Deb A said...

I'm sorry the maintenance guy did not have a great customer service attitude. Hopefully the new unit is not noisy. So many nice projects you have in the works. Enjoy the cooler weather this week!

Kate said...

Sorry the maintenance guy wasn't very good at customer service. Hopefully the replacement isn't nearly as noisy. Love all your heart blocks. Happy stitching this week.

Maria said...

No I don’t decorate for Fall or Halloween as they’re not as celebrated in Aus as it is in the US.
Is that the stitchery wall hanging I sent you years again I see hanging on your wall?
Sorry your maintenance guy was cranky but pleased he changed out your air con.