
Sunday, July 28, 2024


 About ready to get back to my regular routine and to my quilting!!!

I am hoping today is the last day of organizing and protecting all my sewing/quilting stash--!!

I worked hard again this past week on the 'protecting' project--but also had some other things that needed doing so did not have alot of stitching time--

I did get '4' more wool blocks stitched up--

2 gingerbread men--

and 2 with Holly leaves on them--

And I did continue some work on the Blue hearts project--
but mostly on the 'part' of this quilt I am not showing you yet--I need to get my squares cut for this quilt and start sewing 4-patches in the blue fabrics--

And I need to try and get a day or two's work in on the this months  Chook challenge--
my gingerbread blocks--did find them in the clean/sort project--just need some time--I just found my cutting table just before I started this post--so there is hope!!!!!

I did get '2' baby sweaters finished this week--often by night time--I was too tired to stitch and just knitted--

The top one is in the Hobbii yarn and the bottom one is from yarn from Hobby Lobby--and yes --two more on the needles--!!

Here, now is the top shelf in the closet--

much more organized and neater--that black tote has my packages of batting in it--!!

And here is yesterday's project--

I spent 5 hours on sorting quilt patterns--some are printed off and some are patterns I bought--but now they are sorted by cross stitch (in  a different drawer) embroidery, quilts, wool, and knitting--and so forth-and the holiday patterns to each group is also all together now--in one section of each folder--these are in the bottom drawer now of my filing cabinet--and now my big question is--How long will 'di' keep them organized??????

I can not believe the patterns I gave away or threw away (regular paper stuff too!!) we sure can collect paper, can't we????

So here is my week--
Monday--I did get a ride to the DMV and got a new ID card--good till 2033--unless I move--(which is in the future within a year--hopefully--I reapplied to where I used to live when I first came to Florida--on Feb 1st when we got that first letter about the 'food' prices going from $5 to $7 a day which we have to pay here per day for lunch whether we can eat it or not--I can only eat it about 2-3 days per week) but the waiting list for apartment here in Florida are years long!!  Then we went to Staples to send back some amazon items and to a UPS store to send a package back to Amazon--then to Jade Palace for lunch--
Tuesday I did not feel really well--so couldn't do much--but my son and daughter in law came at 5pm to take me to target to get 3 large tote boxes and then on to Red Lobster for dinner--just being with them always cheers me up!!  Oh why did I need totes--wellllllllllllllllll--I needed them for my storage unit in the storage room down the hall way off the laundry area--as someone has been going in there to smoke cig. on the week ends and my stuff was smelling like --smoke and stale smoke--!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday morning I went to Publix for groceries and in the afternoon for my eye exam--(that exam was just 2 blocks away--the visit took 2 hours and those drops last for another 4-5 hours--so only knitting again--

The Vote--everyone voted for me to move apartments--both of my kids too--So Thursday morning I go down to see the manager to tell her and she says to me--I can not move because of the 'mold in the ceiling'--they have offered to fix that-I just need to find a place to stay for 4 days--and she looked up where my son lives and knows that I can stay with him--WHAT--first it is none of her business where my son lives--and I had already told her in the first meeting the week before--that it really is not possible for me to stay with my son right now--so now she is still sending the paper work to my doctor to fill out for me to move--because of what Allen next door is doing--only --they have stated several times that they do not believe he is smoking dope in his apartment and they believe him--
I sure am confused at this point and have no idea where this is going on-or if  I will be told to leave at some point--good thing God has it all under control--cause I sure don't!!!
I also had a hair cut Thursday afternoon-- and don't ask me what I did on  Friday--oh wait--I did 2 big loads of laundry and redid the storage unit!!!

So some fun things happened and some shopping happened and some medical things happened and lots of work happened--guess you could say it was a normal week--just not much sewing or quilting!!




Oh it's a beautiful day in the neighbor hood--so visit someone you know and take them a sweet or some flowers from your garden!

Kate said...

That's quite a week! I'm so sorry the living conditions aren't working well right now. You did get a lot done on the organization front, that has to feel good. Hope this week is much better.