
Sunday, August 18, 2024


 Yep--mid August in Florida and my window is open--we finally have gotten a little break in the high heat and humidity here--very welcomed!!!

Unfortunately it was not a 'very' productive week--more at the end of post if you care to read!!

I did get this month's sunflower heart block all stitched--

This design and monthly bom is by Melisa--

And I got a small order in --from online shopping--I needed something for the backing -for the Christmas Sunbonnet Sues-- On sale at that site was a large panel piece of Christmas Red work--
and I did get to do some hand work in the late afternoon's and got two designs done--

A large snowperson--
And a reindeer's  head--I am using 2 different reds--one is a bright red the other one is a darker red variegated--but even though they are new spools I will have to order more to do the whole panel!!!!

And here is where I am on the counted cross stitch pattern--

 I am showing this now--she is nearly done-there is a big bottom part to the dress and her legs--but I need to have her finished for shipping by Tues--and I know I will probably forget to get  a final photo!! I did 3 different colored cats--instead of all black ones--as Anne had different colored cats!!

And of course I hand quilted every evening on the Country quilt and did some knitting--

Wednesday afternoon, a friend took me to Home Depot for a couple more house plants, but I did not like the looks of theirs so we got back in the car and went up the road half mile to Lowes and they had some nice friendly help and really nice plants--and these two begged me to bring them home with me--

This huge spider plant--with lots of babies--see I am a grandmother after all!!! Spider plants  absorb chemicals--

I went for a palm tree--but they looked it up and they did not have the one I needed--put this Philodendron said it would clean the air--and I fell in love with the leaves--

Aren't' they pretty and interesting???

On Thursday, my friend Carolyn and I got on the bus at 9:15 and went to the parking lot area of the Shopping mall--I needed to open an account in a different bank and finally had the right ID--so we did that and then walked across the parking lot to Penny's--where I knew they were having a sale and I had 2 coupons--one for her and one for me--she bought 2 T-shirts and I got 3 new ones--

Then we walked up to the Food court in the center of the mall for lunch--first leaving off her watch for a new battery at one of the booths--Lunch was at Chick-fil--then we went back and picked up her watch and then turned back around and walked up through the mall to pick up the bus at the other end of the mall--there is a little Antique/thrift shop at that entrance and I collected 2 new tea cup and saucer sets--

Cute little flowers in the bottom of the cup--and No I did not know it has 2 chips on the brim--but this is just for display---

And this dark blue set--which I can drink tea from--!!!

So this was mostly my week--at least some things got done or worked on--have hopes this week will be a more productive week--but we will see!!!!


For those who want to read how my life is really going--read on---

Last Sunday as I was finishing up my blog post--I got really sick--quick--sudden--took me a couple minutes of panic--to realize -- I was smelling something--very strong--and it kept happening every 3-4 hours--by bedtime I was a mess--could not sleep as my heart kept racing--so only got maybe 2-3 hours here and there--cause if I did drift off--I had terrible frightening night mares--

It took me nearly 3 days to get somewhat back to normal--had '2' visits with management--I have decided I have to move apartments--I am not really happy about it--but also really think God wants me to move too--all the paper work is in the upper management hands and they have to decide if they will allow me to move--so we wait---for their decision??

Also in talking to management--they still strongly feel that my neighbor beside me is NOT smoking his dope in his apartment--and in talking about it--we have discovered it could be the couple that lives at the end of this hallway--across from me one apartment down and it could be coming in through the vents in the ceiling--my son had already taped across the smaller vent in the bathroom--but I discovered a larger vent in the ceiling over by my kitchen sink--I was able to get up there and tape that one--(these are old vents and are just there now--not really hooked up to anything--so the smells and fumes could be traveling ?????  Time will tell if the taping is gonna stop it--or only allow a small amount to come through into the apartment???  I also have permission from management to call the Police if it gets bad again--and I did talk to a Police officer on Tuesday and he said they would come if I call--but I hate to get that mean--!!!!


Oh and here is my nature photos I took on my cell phone this morning when I went out for short walk--






What is your favorite flower or plant to grow??

Maria said...

I think you had a busy week really.
Managed to stitch the beaut sunflower, some of the Christmas panel and work on the cross stitch too. As well as a trip to the shops were you picked up some good bargains and cute cup and saucers.oh and pretty plants….
Do hope your apartment meant issues gets resolved soon.

Kate said...

Your stitchery projects are really coming along. I love the kitty one with the books. Very cute! So sorry you got so sick. At least you've been proactive in looking for potential solutions. Hopefully one of those will end those horrible smells and chemicals coming into the apartment. Hope this week is much, much better on all fronts.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Monday, Di. It is so exciting to see what you have been working on. Your Sunflower stitch looks fabulous and love that little snowman and reindeer. Great plant haul . I did not know that about Spider Plants- good to know. I hope that you have a good week and hopefully all will go well with the apartment problem. Hugs.

ButterZ said...

I would move and make a fresh start. Good luck with whatever you decide