
Sunday, September 29, 2024


 I don't know what I would do if I did not quilt, cross stitch, embroider, and knit--these so called 'hobbies' truly keep me sane --as least they try to--but some days????

Here mid East Coast of Florida we only got rain on Wednesday--off and on all day--On Thursday when the hurricane was traveling up the gulf side--we only got some wind--around 45 mph-our beaches did get some damage--otherwise it was just a regular day here--but not for the heart--my heart hurt all day knowing people had to leave their homes and belongings and find shelter else where--And then returning to see the damage and clean up each one needs to do--so sad--! One of our bloggers said that this area and coast has never had a direct hit from a hurricane--that is not true--we have had them here before--it's just been awhile--!

I did get some things --in the stitching arena --worked on and a finish or two--

Like the Cross stitch above --did get the stitching finished on this one--but have not got it stitched up yet--!!

And here is the new one I am working on now--

And I was ordering some more thread colors from 123 Stitch and some 28 ct cloth and someone--probably that 'Squirrel" above--put 2 charts in my cart--I hardly ever buy charts anymore--but--we'll see if that 'squirrel' starts and finishes them??????

I did get the Farm Baby quilt all finished--

And I have this quilt on the basting table right now--

I do have this part all basted--just need to pull it down and work on the upper part--

I finished this block of embroidery--

I enjoyed stitching this one--have 2 more Fall ones to do--

but instead of starting one of them--I decided to finish off Jenny's block of the month's that she gave us--

The last row is the last 4 ---these are not in the order I will sew them together--knowing me--I will spend more time rearranging them than it did to stitch them????

And for Knitting--I finished Miss Celebration's--( will be called--Miss C--from now on!!) Fall sweater and got the buttons sewn on--

She is planning on a whole wardrobe of lovely sweaters!!!!

I took this photo last evening--Sept 28th==thought this looked kinda neat??


Update on life in general--

oh my--life can throw curve balls at you all the time--

On Monday I did get the call that the upper office for Poah did approve me moving to another apartment within this building--so is that good news or not????  After last night, during the night when the next door neighbor did his 'smoking'--and I got really sick--I guess it is good news--yet--we have a huge issues here in this building--so I don't know if after all the work of moving will solve anything!!!! Oh and they are saying the end of December--!!!

And on Friday they hung up a sign by the dinning room door that on Tuesdays our washer and dryer fee will go from $1.30 a load to $1.75--What---so I am looking into a little washer that fits in the kitchen sink --I can only do 2 t-shirts at a time--but his washer also spins alot of the water out--where when I wash things by hand--they are wet (I usually have to wrap them in a towel first to get the water out--but then I have a big heavy towel to dry)--soooo---I will still have to do my towels and sheets and small personnel items in a regular washer--but I have a laundry budget and I do not want to go over that and I do have alot of t-shirts--this place is getting enough of money each month for 'food' that I can not eat--grrrrr!!!

Notices have been given to us about other things too--and they are already working us up for another price increase next year on the food from $7 a day--to $9--(sure hope the other place I have my name on the list comes up before that happens--)

And life goes on--and I stitch and enjoy that--and it helps me keep my balance--well--most days!!

See those dark 'spots' on the window screen--those are very large dragon flies--a big group of them came by Friday evening and keep swarming around and around outside my window--plus a pretty sunset!!!




the snow birds are on their way down!!!!


1 comment:

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad we didn't get any damage here but my heart goes out to those that did. And we lived in Asheville for many years and hate seeing the damage there. It's scary how fast things can change. I love the little Fall sweater you made. My dollies are jealous! lol Enjoy your day sweet lady!