
Sunday, October 13, 2024


 That was me this morning--

I needed to repot some plants--so did lots of reading and then ordering two weeks ago for some new supplies--like--Coco peat moss--Perlite--Vermiculite--charcoal bits--new pots--and a special pair of garden scissors  --(forgot gloves!!!!) But then the hurricanes came and all attention was on that--I was 'bad' and watched too many u-tube and tic tac videos of NC hurricane damage and then we had another one here for most of the state of Florida--(but still really not bad compared to what Helene did in those states above us!)

So today was the day to 'play' in my dirt--I got these Coco disks--they are so cute and small--but expand really well with alittle water--the water is the hard part--each little disc only needs about 1/3 cup or less of water--but I also discovered I needed a bit of potting soil and luckily I had some in the storage unit--so added that to the mix with everything else--except the charcoal--I am going to put some of charcoal on the top of soil when the plants are all done--and unfortunately I am not done--but need some actual potting soil--good thing the plan is to go to Walmart in the morning--so the mess is half cleaned up---!!!!

Oh--you say this is a Quilt blog--not a garden one--

Well--have no fear--some stitching did get done too--

I actually did do some sewing machine work yesterday morning-and I finished up '3' cross stitch projects into finishes--

I got this one finished on Friday--and --yes--this is a design of Melisa's and yes I did change it a bit--I filled in each pumpkin with just orange and did not do the quilt block design in each one--yes--a bit lazy maybe--but then I am not a fan of quilt block designs on things--with barns being the exception!

and this is the fabric on the back of it--

I got the Sunflower one of Melisa's--

and I had gotten this crow fabric recently and thought is was perfect for the back--

And finished the Hello Fall one that Melisa showed us on her blog--

and decided this fabric was a good fit for this one with the leaves and acorns!!

And I got the second embroidery block done that I purchased from Kathy S. online--

This did not get pressed before I had to take it's photo???  Have started the 3rd one for this series!

And I have worked on the embroidery for this months heart block from Melisa's blog--but again forgot to take a photo--next week--ok???

Kitty's and pumpkins--

And I fell in love with this print at JoAnn's this week and it will go on the backing of the Mr. Jack quilt I did 2 weeks ago--but this will go in the bag with the top and be put in 'time out' til next year sometime--there is no way I can get it finished for this year!!

I did get a small start on this one-by Melisa--with hopes I can get it finished by Thanksgiving--cause --

I have also started this one--

I do have more done on this one since I took this photo--(again on this one--I am not doing the quilt design that is on the pumpkin--I am up to the mouse on the pumpkin--

I got another in this series months ago--it is a winter scene--and this  a couple weeks ago, I found a Christmas one I wanted to do--and a summer one--and this one--so guess I am doing a 'series' thing again--(oh and I found a spring one to do--but not ordered it yet???) Now--here is the punch line--if you remember I chose to use and have the whole line of Cosmo's embroidery threads--but these call for DMC--so--I broke down and ordered the DMC threads they used--(too lazy to match up Cosmos' threads!!) then discovered I didnot care for the color grey they used on the mouse or the colors they used on the big crow--so ordered different colors for them--I know--I know--I am a bit pickycrazy--but----???????

Oh and I did get a baby sweater knitted--

And 'no' one arm is not longer that the other one--it's just the way I folded it for the photo!!!!


Life Update:  Hurricanes--tornados' --rain--!!! I did have a small leak problem in the living room--ceiling got wet--and the plaster dripped down on my table with the TV and the electronics on it---Had to go get a neighbor to help me move the stand out away from the wall--was able to move it back yesterday--after cleaning everything up!!

 Big part of my life, and as well as many others the last 2 weeks so it had been hard to concentrate on stitching and moving--!!  I did get a couple drawers cleaned and sorted out for the move the one day we had no Internet or Cable--and a couple other small jobs done--so that was good--

And I have a list of the quilt projects I want to get tops done for this week and hopefully a couple more hand basted next week--cause I will not be putting up the big 6 ft table in the next apartment for a few months--hope I can get it into the storage unit--but????

And yes--still problems with the neighbor--I don't even have to look at the clock anymore--can pretty much tell the time by the 'oder' in my apartment--I sure do pray that I don't have neighbors around me in the new location who smoke --ect!!




Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Sunday, Di. Wow you have been busy with a wide range of fabulous projects! I just love seeing your Mini Pumpkin Sampler and great start on the turkey sampler. I have that on my stitching list too. Great choice for the letter colors. Hello Fall looks amazing! I always love seeing your teeny sweet cardigans- they just melt my heart. I love how delicate it looks with the light colored cuffs and edging- just darling. Have a fabulous and productive week. Hugs.

Deb A said...

Totally understand the not able to concentrate with all the happenings the last few weeks. Hopefully, things will calm down with the weather. All the projects look great - love your backing choices. Hope this week is a good one.