
Sunday, March 9, 2025


 I do get tired of these time changes--but--life keeps just right on 'rolling' along even if we do change the clocks--???!!!

It was a busy week and some trips out this week--But first --as this is a quilting blog--we will talk quilting--I did manage to get the '2' heart blocks finished-

This one is the April one--
And here is the March one--and displayed--

these will all go on this wall over one of the wire bulletin boards I made over my desk--(why do our camera's make items look bowed--this is nice and even and straight????)

And here is where I am on the Winter sampler--

Block #7 is done--I made a Lady snowman with a female Cardinal on her hand--so Mr. Snowman has a wife!!! and #8 block is the little snowman on a sled and is their 'son' !!!  just need to finish this block and do block #9!!!

I got Block #7 started and nearly finished on Tuesday morning while waiting on the phone to Social Security for 2-hours--plus some minutes---but did have a real human talk to me and all is good now-I am changing banks this month!

And I did get these '2' old counted cross stitches framed and hung up--I believe I did these maybe around 1999 or before????

That quilt one on the fence was a rough one--but I kept at it and got it finished--glad I did as I have always loved both of these!!!  I will keep these up even when I do new hats in pinks for the summer!

Now for the weeks adventures--Monday I did not go on the Van--instead, my friend Cheryl and I ----
 went in search of a Thrift store Cheryl likes--on the way--we seen a General Dollar store so we stopped there--and here is the treasures that followed me home--

The top one is some Easter items--and this bottom one is just for regular spring/summer decorating--the big blue bowl was only $2--the pink bird was $3 everything else in both photos I think was a $1--oh and that little jar--has '3-d' bees on it--!!
Then we did find Nana' place--

Just 4 items followed me home--have used the mug already for tea!!

And then we went to Cracker Barrel--for lunch and boy did I have fun in there--haven't been to Cracker Barrel in well over a year--soooo---
Besides a yummy lunch--I came home with some chicken items and Easter items--the flat chicken dish is my new spoon rest while cooking--and the the 'funny' black n white chicken always gives me a smile now when in the kitchen--he's a shelf sitter--but right now sits on my big glass teapot--there is a small chicken there and a mushroom--a little bird and 3 Easter items for decorating--all are salt and pepper shakers--but for me--just 'dust' collectors---!!!lol--
From there we went to another thrift store--and these items followed me out--

This beautiful new looking basket with a neat rounded bottom inside--
for only $3.50--
This 3 drawer unit--for $4.50--

With 3 small boxes from the Dollar tree-for only 25 cents each and 2 packages of foam--new, for 50 cents each --I had fun cleaning up the 3 drawer unit--someone had stored really 'smelly' items in it--but baking soda to the rescue--took 3 times on each drawer though!!!

and these few smaller items--

I thought  this cloth was a small table cloth--but it is a table runner--no stains either--a really fancy picture frame with dark blue velvet on it, 2 small teacups and another mug--and I have enjoyed a cup of tea it in already!!!

There was trips on Tuesday and Thursday to places like the Dollar Tree, Walmart, Aldi's, and Publix--
But Friday was a work day at home--you know --things like laundry, mopping floors and even some sewing got done!!!!

Also a new change in our Dinning room--they no longer dish up our food in Styrofoam boxes--they bought each of us '2' reusable plastic boxes --much like the styrofoam boxes and they now serve us on a plate and we have to go to a table and scrap our food into the new container to take to our apartments or eat in the dinning room on the plate--In the last 8 days I have went down 3 times--my biggest problem is the box is so large--takes up room in the sink and the drying rack!!!  I will be taking my new smaller one down at times that I bought a month ago--we have so many residents you are very elderly and shaking I feel bad for them trying to get their food into the container--though all week there was a couple staff workers helping them--but for how long????  And where is the better quality food to put in them????

It is a beautiful day here today--80 degrees or so and I did go out and sit in the sun for 10 minutes on my way to lunch--window open nice little breeze and lots of bird singing and flyin around!!! 




I hope a bit of sunshine meets your day this week!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We hate the time change but love the sunshine! I need to go to the thrift store this week. I haven't been in ages and always so much fun AND affordable! Happy Sunday! Hugs, Diane

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is so exciting to see your Heart quilts, Di; they are gorgeous! And your Winter Sampler is looking amazing .I adore the changes that you have made and the arrangement. What an amazing haul you made! So many pretties. Have a very lovely week and I must not leave without thanking you for stitching my designs. I am so deeply honored. Warm hugs.