
Thursday, March 7, 2019


Someone just left me a comment--
that said --no post from you since  Sunday--
ahhh--well--I guess you are right Carol---
how did it get from Sunday to late Thursday afternoon already???

OK--so what did I do from Sunday to today--
guess we will have to go 'hexie' hunting to see--

Sunday afternoon I had a hard time--
not feeling well--upper chest discomfort--
at first I couldn't figure out what was wrong--
as I was busy stitching and getting ready to watch the race--
then it hit me--
there was 'something' coming in the apartment from outside--
and my body did not like it--so I got up --closed the blinds and the drapes--
even though it was only mid afternoon--
then turned the large room air purifiering machine to the top level--
and got one of my small personnel ones that I wear around my neck--
and put it on--
and in about half hour I felt better--
Here is the smaller ones I wear around my neck--
these hang by the door and everytime I leave the apt I put one on--
they help me breath fresh air and I don't breathe all the chemicals around me--
that make me ill--the only downside of these is those batteries--
they are small size and cost between $10-12  a pkg for 2 of them--
some months I just go through 2--but I have seen some months where I have went through
4-5 of them!!!!

I was a happy camper as my Water delivery came--
I have water delivered once a month from a company--
I get 6 gallons in a box and get 2 boxes each month--
it cost me about $18 a month with tax--
and I don't have to lug water from the store--
(I have to drink spring water as I am allergic to the chlorine and fluoride
that is put in regular drinking water--and yes I take smaller bottles of water
everywhere I go in my purse cause I can't drink the water in restaurants either !!)

Was Anne's day--
here is her show and tell --
the heart blocks in the centers of her 9 patches are ones I had appliqued-
I love how she used them!!

--OH my Di whatever is this hexie about????

Oh--Di and Anne went to Pizza Hut for lunch--
and Di got a personnel pan pizza--didn't she!!
and she even brought some of it home--
(she doesn't eat alot for lunch!!)

what can I say about Wednesday--
actually most of the this past week so far--
a hexie with hats and mittens--
was back to below '0' with the wind chill factor--even during the day--
that wind off the lake has been bad the last couple of days!!!

So I have been busy--
Talk to you soon--



Carol said...

Oh Di, sooo good to hear from you...I was starting to get worried...(I'm a natural worrywart! lol)

You have been very busy this week. And I'm sorry about all your health issues. Glad you can find some relief from the air purifier(s) and also using bottled water. Good for you.

Stay warm!!!!

Linda in Arkansas said...

I remember you posting those hearts as you made them. They certainly do look great in the quilt. We have a gal at work that is allergic to so many things. She can barely eat or touch anything. It does make life harder. You are doing a good job adjusting and caring for yourself.

Maria said...

I can't believe how fast the weeks go by. Many days I don't get to read posts let along do one of my own..
Lots nice hexies and Anne's quilt is lovely.

sunny said...

Ooh yum! Pizza Hut Personal Pizza. Haven't had one of those in ages, and now I MUST have one!! Gee thanks.

Kate said...

Very fun hexies! Dealing with chemical allergies takes a lot of work. Is it worse where you are now or in Florida?