
Tuesday, September 17, 2019


this inchy???
I can now tell you about the sad part of my heart--
yes there was saying good bye to my friends up north--
especially Anne--
the Saturday night before I left on Monday--my cell phone rang--
it was the daughter--not sure is I told you but she went to the southern tip
of Illinois to get away from hurricane Dorian--and she decided she liked it there
and is moving there first of Oct--WHAT??????????????

So besides my move and resetting up--
that is on my mind, too--
that is a 2 day drive from here--!!!!

So--after today when the furniture gets here and gets set up--
I don't know how much unpacking will get done for me or when--
as I plan to be at her place helping her--
(so I can spend some time with her--really!)
so it may be the the first part of Oct before I am back to a
regular scheduled program!!!!

As for the Inchy's
 I do draw one for each day and why--
but I am going to have alot of stitching to do one of these days--
so far this month--I have not stitched anything for a total of 10 days--OUCH!!!



Carol said...

OHMYGOODNESS, Di, I'm sorry about your daughter moving so far away! And she didn't even tell you?! What's with that?! Have a good time helping her settle in. I'm sorry she can't help YOU move in!

Glad you're at least drawing new inchies in your notebook even if you don't have time to stitch them. They are small, so it won't take you too long to stitch them when you have the time.


Karen said...

What! Will she have a job?

Linda in Arkansas said...

Oh dear. I am sorry to hear that. It's a good thing we trust in God to with our troubles. Oh NO, what if you visit her there and then decide to move in with her!?! Just Teasing. As for the inches - I think you knew you were getting a bit tired of them. But I do hope you find some time to finish as this is such a great project.

Deb A said...

Oh no..... but she has not been through a winter there. She may be back come February =)

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Moving from Florida to Illinois?? That's a big switch. Hurricane weather switched for Tornado worries. What does your daughter do? The cost of living is probably less in Illinois. When my grandson and his family moved from Northern Indiana they went clean out to LA. THAT is a too many day drive away. Video chats do help.
xx, Carol

Maria said...

Oh no Di sorry to read your daughter is moving... you waited sew long to join her in Florida..
Hope all goes well for you both.
Plenty of time to catch up on stitching when you are settled.

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Oh dear, sorry she is moving so far away. But hopefully you can visit each other. And I hope you make new friends near your new home.

Kate said...

That is heartbreaking. I'm not looking forward to the day the SIT heads off out of state. Hope you get to spend lots of time with her till she moves.