
Thursday, September 26, 2019


Every day it seems--
which is good, really--
when I get that single day to be here all day--
there is still at lot to do--so am still Busy!

But I have finally started stitching the Inchies again--
well at least for the last 2 mornings--

So--Tuesday's inchy is--
Miss Frannie picked me up at 9am--
and we drove to the Brevard Zoo--
it was their last Tuesday in September special--
only $5 to get in (whereas it is about $20 a person!!)
and oh my goodness---of course there was lots and lots of people--
with each one having 2-6 kids each--but oh how those kids love the Zoo!!
This little guy was so excited--
They were all trying to feed a deer--
This guy was huge--huge--

we lasted a bit over hour and half--when we left--
hot, tired, sore, and me--happy cause I got to take some photos--
have missed taking photos--
Loved this owl--
he just sat there watching everyone file by!
The birds were so pretty--
Love these blue ones--

Wednesday's Inchy--
Yesterday I did a load of laundry--
did alot of cleaning and some organizing around the apartment--
and tried out my vacuum cleaner--
around 4:15 I grabbed my bag of knitting and went and sat outside to knit--
there is alot of group furniture right outside the front entrance--
there is even more on the left side of those pillars--
When I came in a bit later--
I discovered DD had called--when I called her back--
she said she was coming to pick me up, to go out to eat--
we went to Olive Garden and had a lovely meal and server!!
and yes--leftovers!!!  and some how a slice of that Lemon cake came
home with me too!!!

After lunch today--Miss Frannie is picking me up and we will do
a couple errands and then will go to DD's to help set up her rummage sale--
and I will be spending the night with DD to help with Friday's sale--
(DD leaves a week from Saturday for Illinois !)

well--I know there is still alot of catching up to do--
hopefully things will slow down a bit soon--
in the meantime--I am enjoying every minute of being back in FL-




Carol said...

I am happy to see your post, Di. I was under the impression you were up in Illinois with DD, settling her in! Guess I was wrong. lol

Looks like you had a great time at the zoo! They are fun to visit.

Glad to see you're resuming your inchies. :-)


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I know you are so happy to be back in the sunshine state! It's still hot but how I love the sunshine and I know you do too! Sounds like you've had some fun and I love that you are making your inchies!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Di, I'm so happy to come here and see that you are settling in and getting to spend some time with your daughter. I love the zoo, and so appreciate your pictures.

Joyce Carter said...

Hi Di. It sounds like you are having lots of fun in between all your busyness. I am happy you get to spend time with your daughter before she leaves.
Love the pictures from the Zoo. It has been a while since I have gone and I really enjoyed yours.

Maria said...

I'm pleased to read you are happy to be back in Florida. Nice to spend time with your DD before her move..
Great to have a lovely friend to go out and about with...

Kate said...

You have been really busy! Glad you've been able to get back to some stitching here and there.

Deb A said...

A trip to the zoo how fun! Glad you are enjoying time with your daughter. Hope the sale is going well.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Glad you are enjoying being back in Fl! And good to see you taking lots of pics again.. xx

Karen said...

There were lots of cars leaving the zoo today when I went out and up that way.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Great outings for the kids. We've holidayed in Florida several times and always enjoyed it. Meanwhile, I am loving your inchies!