
Monday, September 30, 2019


I am working at "trying" to get back into some kind of rhythm--
but it is hard yet--
there is still so much organizing to do
along with the stress yet of DD leaving early Saturday morning
for Illinois-- She is moving to Carbondale--and that is actually on
that map I showed you in the last post!!!

Ok where did we leave off--
Thursday--Sept 26th--
Any guess's what this one is about????
Went to DD's to help her price things for the rummage sale--
and we ate here for supper--
we had a good meal--but I still prefer Olive Garden over Applebees!!

Friday--Sept 27th--
we got up early and did the rummage sale--
it is so different here doing them--you just put the sign out on the road--
and people come--don't need to put ads in the paper!!!
and we had some special customers show up--
3 if them even--
Sandhill cranes--
they acted like they really wanted to buy something!!!

Saturday--Sept 28th
Was a stay at home day--
I am meeting some really nice ladies here--
and have lunch with them every day--
some of their names are Fern (she has been here 8 years), Ruth,(about 6 weeks), Karen, (about 6 weeks), Shirley (about 2 weeks) and a couple others, Tana (who has my favorite doggie) and Liz!!
there is some others but haven't gotten their names down yet--????

and I spent the whole day redoing my small walk in closet--
I have too many stitching hobbies--but I am not giving any of them up--
so they will fit in that closet--or else!!!!!!

Sunday--Sept 29th
I went on the city bus to a Super Walmart--
and it was very disorganized in my book--
did find --finally--some small things I needed like copy paper for the printer--
and even ended up in the Nursery--
can you guess what else followed me home????
my first houseplant!!
and it was only $5.00--
wonder how long I can keep it alive--
as I have a brown thumb!!!
(this plant will go into a dark blue pot that DD is bringing me later today--)
But I am determined to have some house plants this year--
and if they die--I will just replace them!!!!!

Most of the afternoon I sat and just watched the NASCAR race-
and knitted--I needed some of my little dishcloth's for doing the dishes!!!



Linda in Arkansas said...

Happy Organizing! That can be such a chore, and then remembering later where you put things. I have my fingers crossed you get all that in the closet - You can do it! That's how we do yard sales here too - just follow the signs until you find one. Sounds like you are going to have lots of friends in your new place. So happy for you. Wasn't that race so fun?! Of course my guy is Chase and my husband's is Harvick. It was so fun I couldn't even stitch, I had to have my eyes glued to the set. Hahaha

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The cats sure are funny! And you're right...keep all those stitching projects going! It's fun and we NEED some FUN! Enjoy your week! Glad you are meeting some sweet ladies! Hugs!

Jo said...

Great to see you keeping up with your daily Hexies.

Maria said...

It;s a bit job moving and getting organised but it nice you are getting some hexies done.
Great you are making new friends,

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

So glad you are settling in and making new friends! Oh my, love the pic of the cats!! xx

Kate said...

Sorry DD is moving, hope you've gotten to spend lots and lots of time with her this week. Yeah for getting settled in and back to stitching.