
Sunday, April 12, 2020


As this Sunday --we get to celebrate--
that He gave his life for us and 'rose' from the dead--
and he did it all for Us--
I heard someone calling my name in the hall way yesterday--
after I came back from doing a load of laundry--
so went to the door and it was a fairly new friend (tenant here--who I
always see every time I do laundry) and we chat a bit,
before she heads out for her walk every day--
and I must of said that I was a bit sad that I would not be able to get
to the grocery store to get me some fresh salmon for my Easter dinner--
cause she handed me a bag with a package of salmon, bottle of water, and one
very pretty pink tulip--
Bless her--
it's a mile walk one way from here to the nearest Publix!
and I had the salmon for lunch/dinner and it was soooo goooood!!!

On the quilting front--
I got the next two hand piecing blocks done--
the Christmas one-
and the one for my quilt top--
this pattern is called the  -- Penelope--
and I did cut 4 pieces on each block wrong, the first time!!!

And here is Tuesdays block--
for the Buttermilk Basin Mystery blocks--

And here is one of the photos I could not download earlier in the week--
these '6' items are now ready for the finishing steps!!
all the hand work is finished-

and here is the picture of the some of the masks I made this past week--
And in the past I have had all kinds of things that I hang on my door knob on the inside--
like keys, a pouch with sunglasses in it, my little personnel air machine --
but this is what is on my door handle now
my mask-(one of them --anyways)

Now for the biggest project that I worked on all week--
first I had this pile--
56 flying geese--
and by quitting time yesterday--
this pile had grown to this--
I added 16 half square triangles--
one pile of 16 square in a square
and another pile of 16 square in a square--
these are for more 'rounds' in the Unity Mystery quilt by Bonnie H--
now to sew them all together on Monday morning before she come out with Part 3
in the afternoon when I get on the computer!!!!!!!!!!
My week kinda continued with some frustrating items--
one day I could not even get on the computer--kept saying that
I was not hooked up the Internet--I did the things I knew to do--
like unhooking everything --waiting 30 seconds and hooking it all back up--
still Nothing--finally on my 2nd call to Specturm and talking to a real live person--
a very nice lady, too--she told me to totally shut off the computer itself and then restart it--
of course there had be some updating before it would turn off--
but once that was done--like magic--it worked--!!!!
and big rotary cutter woes still--lots of skipping in the cutting--
and having to recut and recut the same piece--
so now I have not one but two new cutters with new (different brand of blades)
coming in--cause I don't know if it is the blade or the actual cutter--
I ordered one yesterday when I couldn't find the one set I wanted--
then today--I found the one I wanted to really try with the new titanium blades--
so--I have some new toys coming in--and I can't wait until they get here--
in the meantime yesterday it got so bad, that I hunted up my 28 cutter--
I really don't like that size--but it does cut cleaner and sharper!!!
I did a Walmart order--to be shipped to me--and decided to add the two ink colors I was getting really low on--instead of ordering it from Staples--thinking it would be one less 'box' to come in and worry about--I ordered a total of "5" items--and guess what--once I had checked out and paid for it--it tells me that the order will come in '3' shipments--well--guess what--I have gotten '3' shipments so far and only 3 items--still waiting on the other 2!!!!   Crazy people/company!!!!  and I couldn't even order copy paper--that you have to pick up in store!!!!

OOk--Today is hard on all of us--
One of the reason's I had move back to Florida was so I would not be alone on the holidays--
then remember my DD moved to Illinois--but I still had my son nearby--
well--then along comes Covid-19--so here I am alone again--
but I have lots and lots of company this year--who are alone too--
plus today is the first anniversary of lil sister's death--
so I am going to spend the afternoon--
stitching on hand work -or maybe figuring out the heels on my socks I am knitting--
and watching movies and eating a bit of chocolate!!!
What are you doing today--????



Carol said...

Hi Di! Just wanted to stop in and thank you for your sweet comments on my blog :) I'm glad you are hanging in there--this is not an easy time for people who are on their own. Thank goodness you have your quilting and mask-making to keep you busy.

I know just what you mean about Walmart/Target/etc. sending your orders in multiple boxes! Crazy--and some of those boxes are just way to big for a single item. Seems very wasteful, doesn't it?

Take good care now--hope you have a good week ahead.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Happy Belated Easter Di. So nice to see you put God first on your post. I did end up having a nice Easter but only by putting God first throughout the day. I'm so thankful for his son, Jesus, his dying on the cross enabling us to be washed clean of our sins. Now we can have a relationship with Him. I understand what you mean about moving back to Florida to be with your family and the disappointment of the virus interrupting that. I was not able to have my family over, and I know there are so many people in the same boat. I love your little flowers! I'm going to hang my mask on the handle too. I walked the dog today and forgot my mask. Okay now off to work on frolic - gotta love BH and all her flying geese and HSTs! Have fun with the unity quilt.

Kate said...

Easter was really different this year. But I'm hoping that means that all of us will appreciate all the upcoming holidays that happen when we can be with our families again. Hope your Easter went well and that you got a lot done.