
Friday, May 15, 2020


Are you taking your vitamins--???  each and every day???
we really need to be doing this--to keep up our energy and immunity right now--
so if you are out--you know what to do!!!!

But actually I am talking about the heart blocks--
and appliqueing one of them each day--
so far so good--here on the ranch--

and look at this--
one of my OMG projects for the month is completely finished--
I embroidered these blocks years ago--
I love the back end of that chicken--
(bet you thought I would say the cat block--didn't you???)

and this top got finished--
but--I am not liking it that much--
I love the white rabbit faces--but that coral, though, a bit lighter in real life--
is still too loud now and it over shadows the rabbits--
so this one will be finished and given as a childs quilt--
and I still have some white faced rabbit fabric left--
so it will go into another project with softer colors!!!

and what is this --pile????
Humm--guess you will have to wait to see where these came off of--
and what that project is growing up to be!!!!!

I just ordered 3 new pairs of sunglasses on line--
cause my pair has smaller lens(prescription ones though)
and I wanted better eye coverage--and want to be able to leave them on--
even in the stores--cause now they are saying it is important to wear them to
protect your eyes from the covid germs in the air when in shops ect!!!
and that kinda makes sense to me--so--as I like to spend money--
I did!!!!   they won't be here til the first of June--so guess I will have to stay home
until then!!!????  (actually I don't have plans to go anywhere right away anyways!!)
and one of the reason's I did not go in a store to get them--is because you don't know
who just tried them on --and they are on their face--sooo--think about those kinds of
things when you are out shopping--ok!

love me some chocolate--
and I bet this is calorie free!!!!!!


Cheryll said...

Love the finish of this post... great pic...
You've been keeping busy & staying safe by the look of it. xox

Maria said...

You have been busy stitching your hearts and finishing projects as well as starting a new...

sunny said...

I'm hoping I can get some hearts prepped and ready for June. I did baskets in APril, and I like the challenge of doing one a day. I did the project a couple of years ago, and ended up with a really cute little quilt from a charm pack. Enjoy your new sunglasses when you get them!

Linda in Arkansas said...

You have done wonderful handwork on your embroidery blocks. And yes, I can't wait to see what all those triangle bits are about. (Flying geese? Snowball? Okay I'll wait for you to tell us.)