
Monday, June 15, 2020


I keep forgetting to tell you--
I have named my 'new' place--
Ivy Cottage--
between the real ivy growing in a pot on the window sill--

and all the fake ivy I have everywhere--

it just made sense!!!!

there is yesterday's adventure--
and the redo of 2 blocks on this quilt--
I managed to get the blocks  'unstitched' while on the phone--
then while watching the smaller Nascar race-
I worked on correcting the angle of the blocks-
the red cardinal one was easy--it just needed to be turned --
but the top one--of the cup of cocoa--no matter which way I turned it-
it was 'spilling' the cocoa--finally realized I needed to cut a new center block--
and cut it on a different angle--so that is what I did--out came the old one--
(more unstitching) and in went the new one--
so now look--
No more cocoa spilling out of the cup and the cardinal is not getting dizzy!!!!
and I got the email today that the order for the backing --is on it's way!!!

Now this morning has been challenging--
I always do my laundry on Monday mornings--
then I don't have to worry about it all week!!!
I tried--
like 4 times I have went down to do it--
but every time some one else bet me to the machine by less than 5 minutes!!!
So I came back home and sewed--
and I now have '4' new ladies to admire!!!
I had put this dark green print in the container last month when I was looking for the darks 
to make blocks --and I still liked it for a 'lady' block--
in the making of these ladies -- I also discovered that one of my blue ladies--
had a bad hand--
on the right side--so she went to the repair shop and got it fixed!!!
now she is a happy camper!!!

I did not get the lunch today--
instead I did up a big pan of fried orka--
but it was a bit tough (the skins) but I didn't burn it--
so that was an accomplishment!!!!!!
and some other leftover's
was my lunch--

My son came last night and we got dinner at the Seafood Station--
and oh my --we got something a bit different this time-
and the pan was huge--a 9x13 size-by a good 3" thick--
enough for a family of 4 at least--(shrimp on the top--lots and lots of shrimp)
so I have more leftovers to eat tomorrow!!!
was a nice evening to eat out in the gazebo and visit!!!

OK--time to get back to work--
for me--we will do laundry tomorrow, or at least we will try to do it tomorrow!!!

 PLAN B-C-D----!!!!!


Deb A said...

Perfect name for your home! So glad the cardinal is not getting dizzy any more.

Raewyn said...

Nice to have a catch up read, Di. I wonder how the covid case are in your area now? Your Christmas quilt is lovely - well done on sorting the Cardinal and the cocoa - you'll be a lot happier with the changes. Love your Ladies blocks, and perfect name for your home :-)

Maria said...

Your Ivy Cottage is looking lovely..
Great to have sorted the spilling cocoa and cardinal.
Lovely ladies and pleased you fixed the broken hand..
Nice to have gone out with your son.
Hope you finally managed to get the washing done..
OH I took a photo years ago of seagulls sitting on posts ..must find it.

Lilac Joan said...

Re: sea gulls social distancing. I live by a church and I noticed the parking lot last Sunday and the cars where social distancing! Tried to get a picture but couldn't get far enough away. The people were inside.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Di, how fun to see your house! I love it. And yes, that's the perfect name. I so love your little women blocks. I really need me some.

Kate said...

A great name for you new place. Looks like you've gotten a lot of decorating done in your new digs. The Christmas quilt looks great. It has to feel good to get those fixes made. Very fun lady blocks. That's going to be such a fun quilt