on a Saturday--
usually my 'color of the month' sewing is any day but Saturday!!!
Here is the 4-9patches--
and here is the star blocks--
and I have all the pretty dresses all laid out-
for the next batch of 'sisters' blocks--
Also I did a lot of 'future' cutting for all '3' sets of these
color of the month projects I do--
for the basic fabrics--black squares for center-
off white squares for the stars and --
and body pieces for the sisters!!
should be set for the rest of the year--or pretty close--
and I have a second color collection in pink--
remember--so will be sewing more pink blocks before the month is over!!!
And here is a good 'sorta' finish--
as in the top is done--
on the Christmas hand piecing club--
This is the set-up I came up with--
all has been hand pieced--
I had to order a Christmas print for the backing--
and something for the binding--
as soon as they come in--I will be layering this one--
and basting it for hand quilting--!!
I have also started putting together the Aqua block one--
That one is not on Junes OMG list--but need hand work to do
while waiting on the Christmas fabric to finish that one--
and actually as far as the OMG goal--
I only listed getting the top done--on the Christmas one--
so 2 out of my 3 goals for OMG are done for June--
and good news on the 3rd goal--
which is finishing the top for the pink rose heart top--
my order of solid pinks came in yesterday--
one of the pinks did match--so can work on that top again!!!
Just a story for you--
When I moved in this apartment--
I put dark purple rugs in the bathroom--
2 of them side by side-
and they needed to be laudered-
but I kept putting it off and off--
cause I was afraid they would run like crazy--
As I got some money for my birthday--
I decided I wanted a new shower curtain and I would just get new rugs--towels, too--
you--know how it is--
I really jumped down a rabbit hole here--
ordered a new liner and a new shower curtain--
and new rugs and towels-(yep I can get carried away)
the new shower curtain came in--
it was a huge humming bird--
only --
the bird was really pretty--but the rest of the curtain background--
was a dull dirty grey color--and it looked terrible--
so that got sent back--
and in the mean time--I decided I really liked the purple in the bathroom--
so I finally --finally got brave and popped them, and
the shower curtains I had hung up and 2 towels, and the rug that is light aqua
and is in front of the sink --
all of them at once in the machine with 3 color catchers-- and waited!!!!
Would you believe those really dark purple rugs did not run!!! unbelievable!!!!
everything came out nice and bright and clean!!!
so I still have all the 'old' things in my bathroom--
as a side note--I had no problem returning the shower curtain and getting a refund--
and when I went to send back the new aqua colored rugs and towels--
they did easily give me back a full refund--and then told me to keep them--
I can still use them, donate them or throw them out!!!!
So now where do I store them for now?????
Also the liner went back--it has these little suction cups and the stitching
was completely loose and it was way too long --and it cost me $15--
I only paid $3-4 for the one I had up and it is at least 6 years old--
and has been washed several times--!!!!
Luckily we can climb back out of the rabbit hole sometimes!!

Well--that's all folks--
for today anyways!!!
i KEEP one extra mask in my purse--
and I keep one on my door handle--
so that I always remember to put it on as I leave the apartment--
some are saying --they don't work--at least that is the 'excuse' they are giving themselves--
I say--it just might help you not to get Covid-19 by wearing one-so why wouldn't you want to
wear one--and what if you are coming down with it and don't know it--
would you really want to 'pass' it on to others????? And how would you feel if someone died
cause you gave them Covid-19--
I will continue to wear mine--for a year if I have too!!!
Do I like wearing them--No way--they are hot (remember I live in Florida --mid state--our daily temps are in the low 90's now-)and ever time I bend down I cant see--
and I miss people seeing my smile!!
and here--I have to wear them to go down and do laundry, to get my mail-or pick up a package at the front desk--or like now--take garbage down to the garbage room--alot of you only have to wear them when you go in a store--!!!
Congrats on getting most of your PINK sewing done for the RSC and on finishing the top of your Hand Pieced QAL!!
Your pink are so fun, Di! I love your Christmas version of the hand-pieced QAL, too. I am just starting to work on quilting mine. Glad everything worked out for your bathroom decorating! We wear our masks everywhere here in Colorado, I promise. Stay safe!
Your RSC PiNK blocks are beautiful... & congrats on working on your OMG this month too...xox
Love how you set your Christmas quilt! Two goals done already and its not even the middle of the month. Sounds like everything worked out with the bathroom. I'm sorry you are feeling less safe now with this virus but I completely understand. The numbers are going up like crazy in the state. I had my mask on for grocery shopping today - only about half of the people did and I tried to social distance as best I could.
Excellent progress, Di! You have such a "knack" for putting patterns/colors together. :-) Here all stores REQUIRE masks for entry. I agree, they are hard to breathe with them on. I have to calm myself down after a bit cause I find my breaths are getting shallower and shallower. BTW, thank you SO much for my treat that arrived yesterday! So pretty!
HUGS!!! Continue to stay safe!
Kudos for wearing your masks everywhere! My daughter and her older daughter and family have moved to Florida at the beginning of the pandemic. They are doing ok! Our daughter is an RN, so masks are worn all the time! There is strict protocol when they come home from work or shopping! Even the littles wear their masks!
Stay safe!
Love all your pink !
Thanks for linking up your Book Club finish - your quilt turned out amazing!
You are amazing,Di - all the beautiful work you get done :)
Only place I have had to wear a mask is when I took Stella to the vet. And then I had to take my glasses off ‘cause I got all fogged up!
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