
Sunday, July 26, 2020


Boy --can Sunday's roll around fast--
even in 2020 and so many 'weird' things happening!!

I did get this goal accomplished already--
and this month I only had one goal--
and that was to --
hand quilt and finish this heart quilt--
and I am happy dancing--
cause it is all done and hanging on my bedroom wall!!!!


My #5 dirty dozen goal--
was the flower blocks--black cotton background and wool flowers--
that needed to be put into a top--
and basted for quilting--
and that is done and ready for me to start hand quilting this week--


All my --block of the months are done--for July--
and so far all my 'stitch alongs' for July are all caught up--
even Part 4 of the Snowflake mystery--
These 4 blocks were fairly easy--
until I sat down to sew them together--
and realized that I had to plan out each of these rows--
so that the little red cardinal, bows and stars--
were going in the right direction--
2 of these strips will be going from east to west--
so they were the ones I had to concentrate on the most--
the other 2 strips were going north and south--so once I had a plan-
it pretty much came out ok--that is until I went to press them
realized that one of the long green strips would need to be unstitched--
turned around and restitched--job done--back to pressing them--
we only have one block left--the center block --then the finishing--
so stayed tuned this week for that!!!


Now everyone has been talking about 'squirrels--
and I guess my big squirrel for July has been my floss boxes--
that is taking all the little bags of floss and winding the floss around little cards--

I already showed you the first two boxes--
 and then I ran out of the little cards
and had to order more--they came in this week so got this job done--
and I just love opening these boxes of so many pretty colors and deciding which ones
will get pulled for each project!!! there is over 425 colors in these 4 boxes!!!
and then
I decided I needed to keep going--
and do my counted cross stitch floss's--
-- this is how I have been storing them and using them--
I have one box done now--but--
ran out of those little cards--
so will have to wait to order more of them!!!!


Oh and remember this 'little' pile of 132 half square triangles??
well--here is how they look now--
all ready to be used--someday in a project!!!


Well--I need to go work on my present Counted cross stitching project--
as I did not get to work on it this morning--
I walked down the street this morning--
to see the front of the new apartment building--
they have about got this project finished--the new sidewalk is in and the cute fencing--
and this is the side of the building--
and up on that deck that curves around is a swimming pool--
the apartments are Studio, one and two bedrooms--
and I hear the Studio apartments are going for $1,600.00 a month--
(I don't want to know what the others are going for--the studios are 2x what I
get a month to live on--I would need 2-3 roommates to afford one of them!!!)
the bottom level is suppose to have a restaurant and a couple shops in it--
but don't think anyone has leased the spaces yet!!!
This is the apartment building that I have watched get finished from my apartment
window since I moved in!!
and then I continued on the street for a couple blocks--
first time I have walked down there in months!!



Deb A said...

First off - congrats on your OMG finish! Your heart quilt is lovely. What a bright and beautiful box full of colors you have. All set and ready to go for your next project. Enjoy the stitching and stay safe.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You've done so great at getting your thread and supplies organized. And you are so smart to keep your projects going. I know you'll enjoy that one on your wall. And thanks girlfriend for the surprise card today. It made my day! I didn't even get scared when I saw the bear! heehee! Hugs!

Joyce Carter said...

I Love the heart quilt Di. It is SOOO gorgeous! And your threads look very nice in the containers. Mine are just thrown in a plastic one.
Thanks so much for the card. I was kinda worried until I saw the end. I thought I had lost a lot of time and Christmas had sneaked up on me. LOL
Have a GREAT week!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Of all your quilts you have done, this heart quilt is my favorite. So happy you have it hanging up to enjoy. Good job on the embroidery floss!

Maria said...

Your Hearts look lovely and how nice to have it on your bedroom wall.
Great progress on your other projects.
Pleased you got to go for a walk and see the new apartments.

Carol said...

Wow, a FANTASTIC month you've had! That heart quilt is truly a work of art! Love it! And wow, you've certainly got organizing under control! Wanna come do my flosses? I have general colors (red, green, blue, etc.) in separate sandwich bags! lol Stay safe too, I read about FLorida and worry about you.

Patty said...

Beautiful! Congrats on your finish and thanks for being part of One Monthly Goal.

Kate said...

Congrats on the finish, those hearts turned out beautifully! Hope you've gotten in lots of hand stitching on your new project. I really like your last meme, it's way to true!

sunny said...

Love your hearts! I keep saying I'm going to make one like that, but I haven't done any sewing lately. One of these days, though..... And how perfect is your "funny" at the end??

Chookyblue...... said...

oh I love sewing all the threads organised and colour pretty.......