
Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 I best do a post before you all fire me and take me off your 'must' read list!!!

I have been busy--as I am one to keep busy all day--

but yet--I am don't seem to have alot of photos to 'prove' I have been busy!!!

I did finally decide to do get fabric prepared for '2' Christmas projects--

I got the nature blocks cut apart and decided on lattice and borders--
and it's all ready to stitch up--

and I got the lattice and borders figured out and cut-- for these Christmas blocks-

and got them all trimmed to size

So if I ever get the Christmas decorating finished and those boxes back in storage--

so I can move around and find the sewing machine--I can sew on these--

And here is where I left off on the Buttermilk Basin block top--

The outer border will be flannel and the second pc of flannel I ordered -- to try for the border just came in the mail yesterday--so once I get back to actual sewing--I will see if I like this new one better or not???

Remember I had bought a small 3'  pre-lite table top tree--thinking that would be all I would decorate this year--Welllll--

This happened instead--
and that is why I had to get my sewing cut up as I had to fold up the cutting table so I could move the patio table to the wall where the cutting table was and put up my big tree--
and I am glad I have this big tree up--I just have way too many decorations from years past to put on a small 3' tree--

and here it is at night all lite up--this year I went with clear lights with the gold tinsel--

it really is very pretty at night--and yes that is a large gift there already--from the girl child!!

I took Sunday all day and did my Christmas cards--I still love doing regular Christmas cards and getting them ready to mail--though I don't do as many as I used too--!!

And yesterday --it being Monday--the morning was spent doing Laundry--

and in the afternoon--I went down to the lobby area by the elevators on this floor and decorated the fireplace--each floor does there own decorations--and no body has done this floor--I don't have much to do something out there with--but did come up with some green garland and 2 red stockings and some pine branches for top of the mantel--so that is what I used for now--

Then I came back and cut the string of lights off the new 3' tree--Why you ask???

cause they burned out already--yep!!!  But Target is refunding me my money--and said to keep the tree--

now I am trying to decide if I want to decorate it and leave it on the patio table--or--

use it down in the lobby--I still have some cute smaller ornaments I couldn't put on the big tree this year--soooo??????

And what to do--how to display--or which ones to hang up--  Here is some of my Christmas quilts and wall hangings--I really could use a bigger apartment when it comes to decorating--but then I would have to clean a bigger place too--soooooo!!!!!

Rant--would blogger and cell phone companies stop updating all the time--
it is getting really frustrating and trying --cause each time they do 'one' it takes longer and is more complicated that the old way--!!!!   Ok--said my peace--for now anyways!!!



Raewyn said...

Glad to hear you hae been busy Di and spreading the Christmas Cheer. Wow, so glad you didn't try to put all of those decorations on the little tree hehe. Your big one looks great! Hope it's not too long before your decorating is done and you can get sewing again ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I just read that last joke to hubby and we had a laugh! You sure have a beautiful tree with so many pretty ornaments. It's a busy time of year but that makes it more fun!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Sounds like you have been busy with lots of fun things Di! Love to you.

Maria said...

Great to have the cutting done ready for two projects when you’ve finished decorating...looks great.....

sunny said...

I miss your posts, but it's good that you're keeping so busy! I'm working on appliqueing some handles for a small basket quilt. Then I'm going to work on a snowman quilt, and then... and then.... Glad you're healthy and happy!!

Kate said...

Very cherry Christmas decorations. And you have been busy. Guess there is no chance of traveling this year to see your family. Hopefully, next year we will be back to what passes for normal.