
Friday, January 1, 2021


 We did it--said --Good bye to 2020--

and Hello--2021---

So are you ready to get a start on a fresh new page of Life????

Well-- you know how I have the tradition to work a bit on all the things I want to be doing or working on for the rest of the year--

so here goes--Today--

You know me--I have to hand quilt--in fact I like to do a bit of hand quilting each day--And yes this is the one I thought I was going to be working on in  Dec--but did end up doing '2' Wintery ones instead-

sewing machine quilt making--made these 2 blocks this morning--(have the strips all sewn and cut to the right size)--these are my new leader and ender project--

Decided last night that one of my projects this year--for RSC--color of the month will be yo-yo's--only this one is too small--will need to get out a larger sized yo-yo maker--and this months color is pink--which I really don't have hardly any of what I consider an actual Pink color!!!  (so I get to go fabric shopping in a bit--online)

Counted cross stitching-added a bit to this one this morning--I may get this one done by next Christmas??

and knitting of course--this is the latest baby sweater I am working one
finished off the one little sleeve this morning--

I also will be doing a lot of applique and some hand piecing--just do not have anything right now to work on--but I am sure there is some of both in my future!!!!


Baking--this pan of cornbread is for dinner later at my son's--and will go with our tradition of black eyed peas on New Year's day!!
and I want to do more baking this year--like good healthy muffins and scones!!

and I really want to get back to drinking my tea each afternoon--some how that habit came up missing the last 2 months or so--and I have enjoyed reading again--so hope to do more reading--
if I can put down those sewing needles long enough!!!
and I will need an excuse to eat the baked goods I want to do--right????

I hope to be back tomorrow with a summary of what I accomplished in 2020--
and it's time to plan January's goals--
But tomorrow is also the day to take down Christmas and pack it all up and then try to get it all down to the storage unit--and that may take all day--we will see!!!

Hope you are enjoying this first day of a brand new year--
Love and hugs, to all--di


sunny said...

Girl, you make me dizzy with all you do! I actually did a little work on 4 different quilts today, but my mind is buzzing with all I want to do. Now if I just had more energy! Happy New Year!

Maria said...

Thats a lot you would like to get done for 2021 . Good luck for 2021.

Deb A said...

Scones! Love scones. Now I want some! I looked at all my projects in process and got overwhelmed yesterday! Oh well, maybe a few finishes will happen this year? Hope 2021 is a Happy one.

Kate said...

You did well at starting on what you plan to carry on with in 2021. I spent most of the day in the sewing room. I was mostly sewn out by dinner time. Wishing you a very happy and productive 2021!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's always so fun to see what everyone is starting out the year doing! What are your plans for the yo-yos? I have a friend who made hundreds of them and turned them into a coverlet for the bed. It has a really neat look to it - very different from a quilt.

Val said...

Wow! I am so impressed. I want to do all that!!! You have been a busy bee. I am determined to get some projects done this year. I hope.

scraphappy said...

I hope that you find some lovely pink fabrics to round out your stash. As many years as I have been doing this, I am always out of orange. Funny how colors work differently for different people.

The Joyful Quilter said...

You are going shopping for PINK? You MIGHT have missed the point of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge! :P

Marsha Cooper said...

I have a though of yo-yo's making some table toppers, but I have no idea when I will actually get started on the projects. I have so many others started that need to be finished first.

Susie H said...

You are really busy with quilting, knitting, xstitching, and tea drinking! Life is wonderful when we have such fun to distract us!!