
Sunday, December 17, 2023


 Yep--boys and girls--only 7 more days to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!!!

How are you doing???  One minute I am all in the Christmas mood and spirit and then--the next minute I feel like a Grinch!!!!!  But I have put alot of stress on myself by deciding to knit '3' stockings for the grown up kids--the first plan was just one for the new 'daughter in law'!!!!  more on this story at the end of the post!!

I did get one block done for embroidery this past week--

And here is all 12 of the blocks now--
I don't believe this photos does these blocks justice--they are really pretty and I am happy with them --so far--now to decide how to finish them in to a wall hanging???? These were monthly blocks from Melisa at Pinker n Punkin

And I did get some time mornings to work on the newest Counted Cross stitching--

One mouse is in and so is the deer--!!!  But there' a lot of work on the tree--will be doing the lady mouse next--

And I got some heart blocks prepared for applique this week--

Here is the makings for 3 blocks I am behind on--

I also found some time to get the last 2 Snowmen blocks traced and colored in--

And I did start the embroidery work on the 3 snowmen in the snow cream bowl!!

I also don't think I showed you a photo of some dish/face cloths I knitted for gifts this year--

And that 'sweet' Melisa showed us a 'squirrel' and I just had to get one too-

Got this on Amazon for under $6.00--love the patterns in here and can't wait to make some of them--just not sure 'when' in the line of things I have to finish !!!

And I got 'part' of an early Christmas gift today--

the 2 ducks look handmade--but not sure--and I can keep all my little treasures in the little box!!
there is also a big box of wrapped up gifts for Christmas morning!!  From Anne in NY--

And I nearly have the dil's stocking all done--
the buttons are  not sewn on it--
and I have a small start on my son's stocking--these are 'big' stockings--!!!!

And --don't faint--I am reading a book--

I am about 3/4 through it--it is a good story!!

OK--now for my own story--that has to do with JoAnn Fabrics--now I have often ordered from them though the year as it is hard for me to get to their actual store--or was until the new Monday Van service and now can get there every 3 weeks-- I have always gotten my order within a couple days to a week---Once I decided I wanted to make my daughter in law a stocking--I decided to order the yarn as it would be at least 2 weeks before the Van went--so I did an order on Nov 30th and 2 days later I decided to do all three new stockings--so did a 2nd order on Dec 2--WELL--as of today Dec 17th I have not received any of the yarn--have gotten 3 small packages from them and a couple notices they don't have items--BUT--they will not cancel the rest of each order--I have already went in the store and bought yarn for all  3 stockings and as you read--have finished 2 of them and started the third one!!!!  So I have money 'tied' up in the bank account for when ever they do decide to ship--money I could use for gifts now!!!  I have to wait and see if they ship me anything and then return it for a refund--Crazy--like I said I have gotten 3 small packages from them--one had 2 pair of flamingo socks--of which one had a hole in it so that had to be replaced--one with 2 owl picks and today one package with one little card of buttons in it--all 3 of these packages were large--2 were plastic bags--non recyclable---grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Ok--back to the good stuff--Christmas--




Baking cookies--me--want too--and I got gotten some of the ingredients--but--?? Do you bake Christmas cookies and they old family recipes or new ones??
Mine are old ones--I have done for years and years!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! I hope this week is better and things get settled! Sweet hugs, Diane

Kate said...

You've got such fun projects in the works! Love your monthly blocks, the color really shine. So sorry that the JoAnn's orders have been so problematic. I would think you could just cancel the orders if they haven't arrived yet. Enjoy you holiday time. I'm not ready for Christmas, so I've got lots of holiday chores to do today.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh my, you have been so busy,Di and I am over the moon to see all of your projects. I can not tell you how much it means to me that you have embroidered my little doodles. They are all so gorgeous. I pulled out The Fast and Fun book tonight looking for the next project. I am debating on whether to work on the gingerbread quilt, birds or Little Quilts scottie dogs. I was thinking of you and your heart blocks today and bought fabrics to start my own heart blocks as a 2024 project. I am like you - I want to bake cookies , but just have not this year. Oh yes, I love those old recipes. Have a very Merry Christmas. Hugs.

Maria said...

Finally able to catch up on some blog reading now my internet going.
Love all your lovely Christmas projects.
I do hope you've got your order sorted.
OH! those choccies look delicious...

Have a Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2024