I seemed to have been, on the go alot this past week--one trip on the Van on Monday morning and trips on the bus to the shopping center and one after to the post office and Sun Shoppe Cafe--but I have decided life just can't be all 'just needles, fabrics and thread'!!! Not at my age anyways--
I did get some stitching done--I always have stitching to do--and I do enjoy stitching--just don't want it to be number 1 in my life as much--I am also back to a couple old hobbies of mine--?????
This is what I got stitched this week--
I did get block #4 finished of Jenny's BOM--these are small and don't look like alot of work--but --there is alot of stitches in these little blocks--
Here is all 4 of them so far--
Now--I did take alot of classes back in NY when the quilt shop was there--but have never taken an embroidery class--my first real lesson in embroidery was when I got this cute little quilt in the mall when I did my first move to Florida back in--2015 or so, from Maria in AU--
When I studied how 'tiny' her stitches were on this piece--and let me tell you--they are tiny tiny stitches and just so neat and pretty--well--Maria-- I have have practiced on every piece of embroidery since--I am better--and, do way smaller stitches--but--I still have a ways to go to be as neat as you are!!
I got 2 more strips of pink hearts appliqued--
And I got a couple more Dresden plates hand stitched and one even appliqued onto the back ground fabric-
I need to stitch one more plate and to applique these to the back ground fabrics--
And I got one very bright orange baby sweater knitted in the Hobbii yarn-
I also got the Library Book top--layered and basted--I did extra basting on it cause I really wasn't sure how I was going to hand quilt it--
And I have started and a plan is coming together--
I am going to outline the applique pieces--one line around the inside of each one and then on line around the outside of each one--and this one square is all hand quilted now--Last night I did diagonal rows of varied lines going across the upper white part and then did 1/4" around inside of each book in the color of the book--so I am off to a start --anyways!!!!
I am back to doing 2 things I used to do in the past--like a few years ago now--past--
One is reading--I am on my 4th book--WOW--in a row!!!
And --I am back to doing some photography work--
I picked '2' cards this week--
I bought a nice basket of Organic fresh strawberries at Publix this week--
and this is my favorite photos of them--
But the very best photo of them --I forgot to take and that was the strawberries cut up on top of some Organic Vanilla ice cream--Yummmm!!!
And the second card--Unusual perspective-- Well--I am not totally sure what it wanted--but here is a couple that I thought worked--
the back side of flowers--we always take photos of the front or the actual flower??and from a distance--I thought this was a feather stuck in the leaves--but it's really just a big long leaf!!!And I wonder what this is???

Guess you will have to pop over to my other blog site--at the top of this page on the upper left hand corner to find out where I will share a few more photos!!!
Things have calmed down some here--though on the food problem--not much has changed--they are not using any of the new money to improve our food--the average for me is 3 days a week--that I can eat the lunch!!!
And I had no 'sleepless' nights this week--so that is good news--
and a cute story--on Tuesday I went to Big Lots and bought a couple things--one being a cute new tea cup and saucer--but returned it on Thursday--when I took the pretty ribbon off it there was a big chip right on the rim of the tea cup on the side you would drink from!!! I also shopped at Bealls that day--needed a tall vase for a really pretty bunch of flowers I boughten there the week before--I did come home with a vase--and here is the funny part--by the time I put this bunch of flowers in the vase--it was way too tall to fit on any of my display shelves--really--one can only 'shake their heads'---so both of them went back, too on Thursday and I came home with money back in the bank, and did not buy anything else--that might be first!!!!
Oh and I did sit in my rocker in the apt and watched the solar eclipse --as far as the light and darkness came and went--it was kinda weird but neat at the same time--!!
What is your fresh fruit when it is in season??? Mine of course is the Strawberry!
Blueberries! and it is blueberry season here. I was laid low last week but it is week 2 of berry picking, so I'll be sure to go on Thursday morning and get some nice fresh berries. Love the photos - it's good to change things up a bit. What types of books have you been reading? I'm a cozy mystery fan myself.
Oh Di you do such lovely work on your appliqué and blocks as well as knit cute cardigans and do cross stitch so I’m sure your stitching looks great too.
I’ve been watching the reality show “ I’m a Celebrity get me out of Here “ and guess who was in it?
Your NASCAR driver and Star of “Malcom in the Middle” Frankie Mituz…. Oh he’s such a great guy. Loved watching him.
Oh so glad you decided to get back to your photography hobby. Sorry the meal deal hasn't worked out so well. You have some fun projects in the works. Your hearts are my favorite.
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