
Sunday, September 1, 2024


 On the change of the time of year--here it came in with the rains!!!  It  has been a rainy day since last evening--so it is a bit cooler--but still in the 80's!!!

A finish was completed yesterday--

a new cross stitch from Melisa--it reminds me of the one room school house I went to --grades 1-5--they did not have kindergarten--you started at grade 1--I had a women teacher the whole 5 years and the last year it was open there was just '7' of us girls in grades 1-6th!!  Our school was not painted red though!!
Here is the backing fabric--

Have some of this for a baby quilt--!!  I think this fabric is sooo cute!!!

And talking about baby quilts--somehow I managed to get 2 tops done for them--this week--

And I believe I have figured out backings for both--!!

And then yesterday while eating my lunch and reading blog posts--someone showed her last minute Chook challenge for August and I smacked my head and --said---opps!!!

So off to the design table--(my bed) to lay out one set of my hearts--then I started stitching them together and adding a border--

It is hard to see here--but there is a black embroidered dash line around each heart--

I don't know that I am done with this one yet--time will tell--but we just have to show progress on a the project picked for the month--so I did do that and I have the second set of hearts all done with the dash lines around the hearts--and the third set I am giving to Anne--

I started a new Cross stitch--

this is sunflower month, isn't it???

And one more baby sweater is finished--
Two more baby sweaters are on the needles!!

More hand quilting on my Country quilt has gotten done--

I enjoy hand quilting in the evenings and I start my day off with the counted cross stitching in the morning!!

Story time--
First up--

When I was on the computer last evening and got up to go to the kitchen, I looked out the window and seen this rainbow--yet the sun was still shinning here--about 10 minutes later we did get a nice rain--and afterwards the rainbow was still here--but it's the first time I have seen a rainbow--before the rain!!!

Last week end--especially on Sunday again-I had the problem with the neighbor--and hardly any sleep on Sunday night--but did get up and was able to go on the Van to Walmart to do a return and pay my internet bill and do a little shopping--and a new flowering plant came home to keep me company!!

Monday night I called my friend Anne in NY as it was her birthday and I wanted to say Happy Birthday and to see how she liked her box of gifts--but learned she was in the hospital--ouch--she hasn't been feeling well for awhile now and has had a lot of back pain--and I guess she started falling alot--so her youngest daughter made her get in her car and she drove her up to the hospital--so on her birthday she said they gave her all kinds of tests and some twice--all they found out was --she has Lyme's disease!!
She has deer in her back yard alot!!  And she has had it awhile--so it will be awhile before she gets better!!  I did talk to her on Friday and she is home now and boy did her 'fur' gang of 9 cats miss her--(she has 6 inside ones and 3 that go outside all day and come in for the night!!)

Anne is still in alot of back pain--so prayers are needed for her--thanks!



Deb A said...

I resemble that 'sometimes it takes all day to get nothing done!'. So sorry to hear about your friend. You sure got a lot accomplished this week. We had rain Friday night but nothing yesterday. I think I'll dust and then put out my fall things. They always make me smile.

Arish said...

Trabajas muchísimo, tus labores son bonitas. BESICOS.

Julierose said...

I do love your Country Quilt--so neat hugs, Julierose

Maria said...

As usual you did get a lot done Di.
Nice cross stitch and it was lovely to hear the story of your first little school house.
Great progress with the Hearts.
Another cute cardigan and great work on the two baby tops….
Hope your friends feels better soon.

Kate said...

You had a busy week! Those hearts are so cute! Hope Anne is feeling much better and at least got a belated birthday celebration.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your country quilt...what a masterpiece! I'll keep your friend in my prayers too. Hugs!